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League of Legends news » February sales schedule

Check out all the champs and skins on sale this February! Like previous sales schedules, we’re not posting the exact dates for each champ and skin, but they’ll all be on sale sometime next month.

Just a heads up – since we’re publishing these in advance, we won’t offer partial refunds on champs and skins purchased before they go on sale.

Regularly Scheduled Sales:

Champion Sale Price (RP) Skin Sale Price (RP)
Aurelion Sol 487 Arcade Ezreal 675
Bard 487 Arclight Varus 487
Cassiopeia 440 Atlantean Syndra 487
Corki 395 Baker Pantheon 487
Ekko 487 Blade Mistress Morgana 375
Ezreal 440 Bloodstone Lissandra 487
Gnar 487 Boom Boom Blitzcrank 260
Graves 440 Butcher Olaf 375
Hecarim 440 Captain Gangplank 487
Heimerdinger 395 Celestine Soraka 487
Irelia 440 Cutpurse Twisted Fate 375
Jhin 487 Death Blossom Elise 487
Jinx 487 Deep Sea Nami 675
Kalista 487 Full Machine Viktor 487
Karma 395 Gentleman Gnar 487
Kog'Maw 440 Gragas, Esq. 487
LeBlanc 395 Guardian of the Sands Skarner 487
Lissandra 487 Jaximus 487
Maokai 440 Karate Kennen 260
Nautilus 440 Karthus Lightsbane 487
Nidalee 395 King Tryndamere 260
Olaf 395 Pool Party Miss Fortune 675
Shaco 395 Pre-Void Kassadin 260
Shen 395 PROJECT: Ekko 675
Sona 395 Renegade Talon 260
Swain 440 Rumble in the Jungle 487
Twitch 395 Sashimi Akali 375
Urgot 395 Scorched Earth Renekton 487
Varus 440 Shadow Evelynn 260
Vi 487 Shadow Prince Malzahar 260
Vladimir 440 Warrior Princess Sivir 260
Yasuo 487 Worldbreaker Trundle 375

Early Sales

Skin Price (RP) Sale Price (RP)
Star Guardian Miss Fortune 1350 975
Star Guardian Soraka 1350 975
Star Guardian Syndra 1350 975
Star Guardian Ahri 1820 1350
Star Guardian Ezreal 1350 975
0 comments16.01.2018 21:00:04
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