The Hearthstone Nationals qualifying period is over, and 64 players from each of the seven competing European countries have booked places in their nations online finals.
After two months of hard work securing Hearthstone Competitive Points (CP) via the Ranked Play ladder and competing at HCT events, the following players made the cut:
United Kingdom
Rank |
BattleTag |
1 |
BoarControl |
2 |
Meati |
3 |
jambre |
4 |
Kurthnaga |
5 |
Toastmonster |
6 |
ChapmanUK |
7 |
GreenSheep |
8 |
caravaggio8 |
9 |
DeadDraw |
10 |
PieMan |
11 |
ALightSwitch |
12 |
UCanCallMeAl |
13 |
Paradox |
14 |
Nizahe |
15 |
GibbonSlayer |
16 |
Whiplash |
17 |
Smudge |
18 |
Krholl |
19 |
rebobson |
20 |
Caliban |
21 |
osha |
22 |
Bozonik |
23 |
Danswf |
24 |
Coldhands |
25 |
Duncan |
26 |
BlueWolf |
27 |
LeviathanHS |
28 |
dan |
29 |
BigBen |
30 |
31 |
HelloLeeroy |
32 |
Seandk |
33 |
Foyfluff |
34 |
Quenz |
35 |
Paul |
36 |
Greyham |
37 |
Jilanea |
38 |
sparrowhawk1 |
39 |
SirSalty |
40 |
adaxboy |
41 |
Salem |
42 |
Hadrex |
43 |
Crimsonpanda |
44 |
FlawlesSlays |
45 |
Westwith |
46 |
GibboLUFC |
47 |
WillHallExp |
48 |
Phalli |
49 |
Scarakye |
50 |
Penny |
51 |
52 |
FoxE |
53 |
Starburst |
54 |
Conway6288 |
55 |
Lockestock |
56 |
RagingAl |
57 |
Sieldor |
58 |
Concii |
59 |
Sabertooth |
60 |
Moody |
61 |
Kat |
62 |
Rapunzelina |
63 |
DraconicIce |
64 |
Pacman |
Rank |
BattleTag |
1 |
Savvat |
2 |
Londgrem |
3 |
GeneraL |
4 |
MM78 |
5 |
Babon |
6 |
7 |
SilverName |
8 |
Dimasik |
9 |
ШтанУдачи |
10 |
VirtuozZ |
11 |
Altere |
12 |
Rikitikitavi |
13 |
Cosmo |
14 |
Resentful |
15 |
ThisisLAYMS |
16 |
17 |
SkyFrosty |
18 |
19 |
SpaDj |
20 |
FudoV |
21 |
eg99 |
22 |
first |
23 |
Deathwing |
24 |
ahilles026 |
25 |
elApache |
26 |
Servalika |
27 |
Gev |
28 |
mylife294 |
29 |
Raena |
30 |
mishail |
31 |
levik |
32 |
33 |
Kaa |
34 |
Rostovmax |
35 |
Renaming in progress* |
36 |
glibgizzard |
37 |
Mit |
38 |
SpaceCreated |
39 |
Jackpo |
40 |
Lucky |
41 |
NikolasDLP |
42 |
Oinor |
43 |
NoSpace |
44 |
DenBut |
45 |
Ziplok |
46 |
Анхоли |
47 |
48 |
esoJAR |
49 |
Swate |
50 |
alexbzg |
51 |
sasharabenok |
52 |
Азазель |
53 |
Renaming in progress* |
54 |
Grantz |
55 |
dmk |
56 |
Player671 |
57 |
Renaming in progress* |
58 |
iThomas |
59 |
Tlenn |
60 |
KuKuruZa |
61 |
SashaRain |
62 |
MiNas |
63 |
Gallaron |
64 |
Spanky |
Rank |
BattleTag |
1 |
xBlyzes |
2 |
Hypno |
3 |
Swidz |
4 |
Kalàxz |
5 |
Dizdemon |
6 |
Trec |
7 |
Windello |
8 |
OrcMalade |
9 |
AlivZ |
10 |
Gaboumme |
11 |
Vinz |
12 |
Otsuna |
13 |
Felkeine |
14 |
Yogg |
15 |
Warma |
16 |
Kalas |
17 |
Guntofire |
18 |
Minislash |
19 |
Nuko |
20 |
pilou |
21 |
Draz |
22 |
Tars |
23 |
Zhym |
24 |
Charon |
25 |
Shadow |
26 |
Rellow |
27 |
Tony |
28 |
Elkunnn |
29 |
Maxxe |
30 |
Adriano |
31 |
Tixuty |
32 |
Nitrogun |
33 |
TmwKOxyd |
34 |
Odemian |
35 |
totosh |
36 |
eko |
37 |
TheRabbin |
38 |
yohden |
39 |
Sapicotte |
40 |
Naobool |
41 |
exilessmath |
42 |
HKroms |
43 |
KimJongDrac |
44 |
scarface |
45 |
esteban |
46 |
MichelSympa |
47 |
Tortue |
48 |
oOtOote |
49 |
Thumai |
50 |
Elto |
51 |
Ttoile |
52 |
Berseker |
53 |
Torlk |
54 |
Flasch |
55 |
fishou |
56 |
Infinax |
57 |
Darj |
58 |
stase |
59 |
Ikher |
60 |
LuckyTiger |
61 |
Carma |
62 |
AyRoK |
63 |
Orkanis |
64 |
oVeL |
Rank |
BattleTag |
1 |
Casie |
2 |
kolmari |
3 |
Moyen |
4 |
Zyrios |
5 |
Seiko |
6 |
Sintolol |
7 |
Jesuisbob |
8 |
Bunnyhoppor |
9 |
Nicslay |
10 |
Zananananan |
11 |
ChaboDennis |
12 |
Matteo |
13 |
NamEkianer92 |
14 |
Kycoo |
15 |
Bequiet |
16 |
Ryuw |
17 |
DenimBlue7 |
18 |
Snoodyboo |
19 |
Baumgott |
20 |
Klotix |
21 |
Kyouma |
22 |
maXout |
23 |
Viper |
24 |
BeNice |
25 |
Burr0 |
26 |
Faceopei |
27 |
Obito |
28 |
xBlaine |
29 |
Kampffrosch |
30 |
b4bana |
31 |
Ch0pP33r |
32 |
Ekop |
33 |
danseb |
34 |
Hagbard |
35 |
Noctis |
36 |
Peiker92 |
37 |
Randmdude |
38 |
Nere |
39 |
SgtSlty |
40 |
jAKobUTG |
41 |
Tomram |
42 |
komjongil |
43 |
KingSelassie |
44 |
Diesel |
45 |
Renaming in progress* |
46 |
cultimator |
47 |
Hell |
48 |
SonofWar |
49 |
Bananaboby88 |
50 |
Gann |
51 |
Shredder |
52 |
fURi |
53 |
Goodfeller |
54 |
Falle |
55 |
Überninja |
56 |
Flix |
57 |
h0lysky |
58 |
Jamminzz |
59 |
Cettel |
60 |
Shadowrun |
61 |
Ares24 |
62 |
Aevi |
63 |
dontbemad |
64 |
Vent |
Rank |
BattleTag |
1 |
riku97 |
2 |
Dalesom |
3 |
espumito |
4 |
AKAWonder |
5 |
Zeeland |
6 |
anduriel |
7 |
LordGhost |
8 |
javiresp |
9 |
Martyr |
10 |
Ganera |
11 |
Blackhole |
12 |
Mircan |
13 |
darqueros |
14 |
Duck |
15 |
Agazapado |
16 |
Cuco |
17 |
AsTu |
18 |
Renaming in progress* |
19 |
Massimus |
20 |
Jac0b0 |
21 |
Aimar13 |
22 |
Pepe |
23 |
Erikstoff |
24 |
K1NG |
25 |
BIGEldrazi |
26 |
Trasga |
27 |
PThompson |
28 |
iRekia |
29 |
HGSuper |
30 |
31 |
AlxJan7 |
32 |
Guillecilla |
33 |
Kyrozlol |
34 |
Lemonade |
35 |
GoSuForEVeR |
36 |
Hibadino |
37 |
IosuStyle |
38 |
Slytha |
39 |
Istari |
40 |
barret |
41 |
Ziggý |
42 |
CarloSHK |
43 |
pBLhawk |
44 |
Aurius98 |
45 |
46 |
Maikage |
47 |
Hartia |
48 |
Macg |
49 |
Cryme |
50 |
Feelink |
51 |
Mariodela |
52 |
Genghis |
53 |
agazohr |
54 |
javijime |
55 |
Baloth |
56 |
Dreinak |
57 |
HariSeldon |
58 |
petrancof7 |
59 |
Dondentrits |
60 |
FranGalindo |
61 |
Sevant |
62 |
Malakadiez |
63 |
HikigayaTai |
64 |
Luinatar |
Rank |
BattleTag |
1 |
dawido |
2 |
Xeno |
3 |
Lucken |
4 |
mistrzwujo |
5 |
mikolop |
6 |
Daimonfrey |
7 |
A83650 |
8 |
Sevel |
9 |
WonszRzeczny |
10 |
Verg |
11 |
Tuttek |
12 |
BlaZZej0S |
13 |
wojekxd |
14 |
Roydener |
15 |
ajmer |
16 |
Bloodlips |
17 |
Amyks |
18 |
dogmeat |
19 |
UkrytyTroll |
20 |
Moluk |
21 |
Piszczel |
22 |
YellowDeath |
23 |
Oloninho |
24 |
matff |
25 |
Futskin |
26 |
Ivictus |
27 |
Konrad |
28 |
Pawel |
29 |
pretor |
30 |
Quatro |
31 |
Kamahl |
32 |
Krystal |
33 |
Zygfryd |
34 |
tmn |
35 |
Runaways13 |
36 |
Fukashi |
37 |
JK47 |
38 |
Kawekis |
39 |
AgraveiN |
40 |
czosnak |
41 |
MrTomek1 |
42 |
Luxik |
43 |
Athen |
44 |
Wanil |
45 |
Mikfil |
46 |
Fifi |
47 |
fearsyndrome |
48 |
Yaraki |
49 |
Pawèu |
50 |
Adisan |
51 |
Potok |
52 |
pretok |
53 |
Luxor |
54 |
Warshavin |
55 |
Alisec |
56 |
GoldenBoy |
57 |
bergman |
58 |
Oki9155 |
59 |
Matixo |
60 |
61 |
Wektor |
62 |
Montanaz0r |
63 |
NoName |
64 |
Stellman |
Rank |
BattleTag |
1 |
Swaggermeist |
2 |
Garrickz |
3 |
Turna |
4 |
ElMachico |
5 |
6 |
ThuFull |
7 |
Meliador |
8 |
Leta |
9 |
Valenash |
10 |
GerryS |
11 |
Pool8 |
12 |
Dazzar |
13 |
BressD |
14 |
JackTorrance |
15 |
thegamer97 |
16 |
Alb987 |
17 |
simonedeho |
18 |
Memory |
19 |
Bèp92 |
20 |
Eustachio |
21 |
Atan |
22 |
plastiik |
23 |
DevilMat |
24 |
tomof |
25 |
Altrach |
26 |
thEconomist |
27 |
Vitto |
28 |
Thund3r |
29 |
CamiAhUm |
30 |
yokopomayoko |
31 |
Iwangor |
32 |
Cerberus07 |
33 |
Hellrazor |
34 |
35 |
Gregoriusil |
36 |
illness |
37 |
DonnyDrake |
38 |
Denix |
39 |
Spikini |
40 |
JDart |
41 |
Budilicious |
42 |
CoravStenom |
43 |
Marusak |
44 |
Cucca |
45 |
Wolcat |
46 |
introdub |
47 |
Liooo45 |
48 |
Bubbachuck |
49 |
Xander |
50 |
Esurio |
51 |
EddStark |
52 |
Pignas |
53 |
Yawgmoth |
54 |
D3V1L |
55 |
NanoNasone |
56 |
maruth24 |
57 |
Richi |
58 |
Sattors |
59 |
Zargon |
60 |
PDeS |
61 |
Pablo |
62 |
TacoIsBad |
63 |
Flashex |
64 |
Gera89 |
The qualifiers from each nation can now prepare to compete in online finals taking place on June 23 and 24. The first day will feature a Swiss format stage, with the top eight players advancing to a single-elimination bracket on day two. In addition to recognition as the top player in their country, the winner will earn the lion’s share of a $5,000 USD prize pool.
Remember to tune in on Twitch and find out who’ll prove themselves the top player in their nation:
*This player has recently begun the process of renaming their account; we will update this list once the process has been completed.

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