League of Legends news » Patch 8.2 notes
Patch Highlights

Bonus Attack Speed at Level 1 added.
Ekko's pretty close to being able to jungle effectively, and this small bump should help him get back on that path without pushing his solo laning out of line.
Base stats
E damage decreased.
Evelynn's burst is too damn high.
E - Whiplash
UNEMPOWERED DAMAGE 4% target's maximum health (+2.5% per 100 ability power) ⇒ 3% target's maximum health (+1.5% per 100 ability power)
EMPOWERED 6% target's maximum health (+3.5% per 100 ability power) ⇒ 4% target's maximum health (+2.5% per 100 ability power)

Q damage decreased at early ranks.
Kleptomancy has dramatically shifted Ezreal's power curve, making it far easier for him to get his core of Sheen/Tear of the Goddess earlier. As a result, Ezreal's power spikes (especially Trinity Force/Muramana) show up earlier and control the game for longer. It doesn't really make sense for him to have a safe lane phase (even bullying some laners) while also having best-in-class midgame power, so we're tuning down his early game strength.
Q - Mystic Shot
BASE DAMAGE 35/55/75/95/115 ⇒ 15/40/65/90/115

Base attack damage decreased at early levels. Passive no longer stacks, but uncaps attack speed while Jinx is Excited. Minigun's attack speed no longer scales with level but scales harder with rank.
We want to accentuate Jinx's wildcard nature by toning down her early game safety but ramping up her ability to snowball. That means upping her ability to take towers or win duels when she picks up early kills, and giving her a unique teamfight high when she gets rolling within a teamfight.
Base stats
Passive - Get Excited!
updatedTOO EXCITED Get Excited's attack speed no longer stacks
newOVER 9000 Jinx's attack speed can exceed the cap while she is Excited
Q - Switcheroo!
updatedMINIGUN ATTACK SPEED 30/40/50/60/70% ⇒ 30/55/80/105/130%
removedJINXED Minigun no longer gains attack speed based on Jinx's level

Passive scaling decreased. Q scaling increased.
Kha'Zix is supposed to shine when he can isolate a target and chain his abilities on them. At the moment, the damage on his passive is a bit too high, allowing him to win nonisolated fights he probably shouldn't. As a result, we're shifting some power out of his passive and into his Q.
Passive - Unseen Threat
RATIO 0.4 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.2 bonus attack damage
Q - Taste Their Fear
RATIO 1.1 bonus attack damage ⇒ 1.2 bonus attack damage

Q scaling decreased. R cooldown increased.
Malzahar's burst combo is a bit too consistent so we're lessening its frequency and overall damage.
Q - Call of the Void
RATIO 0.8 ability power ⇒ 0.65 ability power
R - Nether Grasp
COOLDOWN 120/100/80 seconds ⇒ 140/110/80 seconds

Nunu now additionally does bonus magic damage on basic attacks. W now also increases ability power on both targets.
Nunu just isn't very good right now.
Q - Consume
newTHESE HANDS Well Fed now additionally grants 3/5/7/9/11 (+5 per 100 ability power) magic damage on basic attacks
W - Blood Boil
newMAGIC FINGERS Now additionally increases ability power by 40% (max increase: 40/60/80/100/120) on both targets.

Ornn is no longer unstoppable during W. R cooldown increased.
The usual counterplay to champions who stand still (or in Ornn's case, move slowly) while they churn out sustained damage is to displace them. Being unstoppable during W - Bellow's Breath just doesn't leave players with much gameplay against him. His ultimate cooldown also isn't leaving enemy teams with good windows to be aggressive, so we're tuning it up.
W - Bellows Breath
removedUNSTOPPABLE Ornn is no longer Unstoppable during this ability
R - Call of the Forge God
COOLDOWN 130/100/70 seconds ⇒ 140/120/100 seconds

We're changing the way targeted spells draw minion aggro, which has pretty significant implications for how Pantheon's passive functions.
W - Aegis of Zeonia
MINION AGGRO OP No longer blocks or is consumed by siege minion attacks

Q mana cost decreased.
Our nerfs to Sona in response to the Runes overhaul went a little too far so we're restoring some power to her ability to poke in lane.
Q - Hymn of Valor
COST 60/65/70/75/80 mana ⇒ 50/55/60/65/70 mana

Attack speed per level decreased. R bonus attack damage decreased.
Vayne is just too strong right now. Fleet Footwork is giving her an easier path to the late game, and when she gets there, she's just rolling in stats. Rather than hit her laning phase (and put most of the pressure on her opposing bot laner), we're reducing her power in the late game.
Base stats
R - Final Hour
BONUS AD 30/50/70 ⇒ 20/30/40
Miss Fortune Skin Splash Updates
Miss Fortune's oldest skins have received new splash art!

Cowgirl Miss Fortune

Waterloo Miss Fortune

Secret Agent Miss Fortune

Candy Cane Miss Fortune

Road Warrior Miss Fortune

Mafia Miss Fortune

Enchantment: Runic Echoes
Proc mana restore increased.
Most mage junglers struggle with mana—form-swappers are the main exception—so we're looking into giving those weaker mage junglers more consistency.MISSING MANA RESTORE 15% ⇒ 25%
Support Items
Supports spend a ton of gold—and slot space—on two items that exist largely for their role. We're merging those items together to give supports more autonomy in their itemization.
Removed Items
Removed Sightstone. Removed tier 3 support items.
List of Removed Items
- Sightstone
- Ruby Sightstone
- Frost Queen's Claim
- Talisman of Ascension
- Face of the Mountain
Updated Items and Quests
updatedWARD ITEM Completing a support item quest now grants Sightstone active, rather than the old quest rewards newGO TO BASE Quest completion will only grant one ward charge until returning to the fountain updatedLESS QUEST Quests now complete at 500 gold earned, not 750
newTHE NEW MODEL Upon quest completion, item will upgrade into Eye of Frost, which can hold up to three ward charges
Nomad's Medallion
newTHE NEW MODEL Upon quest completion, item will upgrade into Nomad's Eye, which can hold up to three ward charges
Targon's Brace
newTHE NEW MODEL Upon quest completion, item will upgrade into Celestial Eye, which can hold up to three ward charges
Remnant of the Watchers
OLD NAME Eye of the Watchers
BUILD PATH Sightstone + Frostfang + 550 gold ⇒ Frostfang (or Eye of Frost) + Ruby Crystal + 550 gold
ALL STATS Unchanged from old Eye of the Watchers
newTHE NEW MODEL Upon quest completion, item will upgrade into Eye of the Watchers and gain the Sightstone active
Remnant of the Ascended
OLD NAME Eye of the Oasis
BUILD PATH Sightstone + Nomad's Medallion + 550 gold ⇒ Nomad's Medallion (or Nomad's Eye) + Ruby Crystal + 550 gold
ALL STATS Unchanged from old Eye of the Oasis
newTHE NEW MODEL Upon quest completion, item will upgrade into Eye of Ascension and gain the Sightstone active
Remnant of the Aspect
OLD NAME Eye of the Equinox
BUILD PATH Sightstone + Targon's Brace + 550 gold ⇒ Targon's Brace (or Celestial Eye) + Ruby Crystal + 550 gold
ALL STATS Unchanged from old Eye of the Equinox
newTHE NEW MODEL Upon quest completion, item will upgrade into Eye of the Aspect
Line Balance
Spellthief's Edge lockout on minion/monster kill increased. Relic shield healing decreased when proc'd by ranged champion.
Spellthief's Edge Line
updatedNOT A JUNGLE ITEM Spellthief's Edge line's recharge penalty now also applies on non-epic monster kill
LOCKOUT ON MINION/MONSTER KILL 8 seconds ⇒ 12 seconds
Relic Shield Line
updatedSPOILS OF WAR Proc healing is reduced by 50% if the item's owner is ranged
Twisted Treeline
The old support items (without wards) will remain on Twisted Treeline.
Rune Features & Bugfixes
newAND STAY OUT Using the "hide preset" option on the Inventory page will now also hide your preset pages in champ select newREORDER You can now drag and drop your rune pages to rearrange them in both the Inventory and Dropdown newPAY ATTENTION Champions who take the Aftershock keystone but lack the hard crowd control to activate it will have their keystone swapped to Grasp of the UndyingResolve
Base damage decreased. Damage health scaling decreased but now scales with bonus attack damage and ability power. Flat resistances increased but no longer amplifies resistances by a percentage.
Aftershock's base damage is a bit too high, and it's letting champions like Alistar or Leona run wild in early duels against marksmen. Having one mastery be so good for both durability and damage is warping interactions between tanks and squishier champions, so we're shifting the item profile to be less about damage and more about durability. While we're at it, we're shifting the resistances gain from percent to flat so that divers can get in on the fun, too.DAMAGE 40-140 (at level 1-18) ⇒ 10-120 (at level 1-18) HEALTH SCALING DAMAGE 3.5% maximum health ⇒ 3% maximum health newDAMAGE AD RATIO 0.15 bonus attack damage newABILITY POWER RATIO 0.1 ability power FLAT RESISTANCES 20 ⇒ 70-120 (at level 1-18) removedPERCENT RESISTANCES AMP No longer increases resistances by 30%
Grasp of the Undying
Ranged penalties in healing, damage, and health gain decreased.
Taking advantage of Grasp of the Undying is way easier if you're ranged, so we wanted to make sure it was less impactful on ranged champions. However, it seems like we went too far; even champions like Gnar and Urgot don't perform well with it.RANGED HEALING AND DAMAGE REDUCTION 50% ⇒ 40% RANGED PERMANENT HEALTH PER PROC 2 ⇒ 3
Cooldown increased at early levels, decreased at late levels. Shield base value and ratios increased.
Guardian is the newest in "hidden power" mechanics: Like Bond of Stone or Aegis of the Legion's old aura, players are getting a lot of power from it, but they often don't feel it. We want to make Guardian a little weaker (it's overperforming), but also more noticeable (it's underappreciated).COOLDOWN 45 ⇒ 70-40 (at level 1-18) BASE SHIELD 60-150 (at level 1-18) ⇒ 70-150 (at level 1-18) SHIELD AP RATIO 0.20 ability power ⇒ 0.25 ability power SHIELD HEALTH RATIO 10% bonus health ⇒ 12% bonus health
Glacial Augment
Slow amount increased.
Glacial Augment is underperforming (there is only one champion who performs best with it, and it's Aurelion Sol), so we're buffing it up.MELEE SLOW 40-50% (at level 1-18) ⇒ 45-55% (at level 1-18) RANGED SLOW 20-40$ (at level 1-18) ⇒ 30-40% (at level 1-18) ACTIVE ITEM SLOW 50% ⇒ 60%
Gold value of pilfered items decreased.
The gameplay of getting a lot of small, mini-use active items is cool, but too often it's optimal to just sell everything and accelerate builds. We want to make sure that there's a reasonable tradeoff between using those items and just cashing them in. Since Kleptomancy is also overperforming, we're also bringing the drop rate down, especially early game and on ranged champions.updatedLESS LOOT Drop rate significantly decreased in the first 15 minutes of the game updatedLESS LESS LOOT After 15 minutes, drop rate slightly decreased for melee, significantly decreased for ranged updatedBUYER'S MARKET Sell values about 20% lower
A few precision runes are pulling a bit too much power for non-keystone slots.
Coup de Grace
DAMAGE AMP 9% ⇒ 7%Last Stand
MAX DAMAGE AMP 12% ⇒ 11%Triumph
GOLD ON KILL 25 gold ⇒ 20 goldDomination
Zombie Ward
Duration down at early levels.
An early sweeper already has the potential to give snowballing junglers too much impact; Zombie Ward's early power is only worsening that problem.DURATION 180 seconds ⇒ 60-180 seconds (at level 1-18) newZOMBIE BY PROXY When a Zombie Ward user reveals a ward via sweeper, control ward, or scrying bloom, they no longer have to actually hit the ward to spawn a Zombie Ward (if the ward then dies).
Ghost Poro
Vision radius up
Ghost poros are cute; who doesn't want to see more people taking that rune?VISION RADIUS 350 ⇒ 450
Targeted Spells
Targeted damaging spells draw minion aggro.
Champions with spammable targeted spells, like Pantheon and Cassiopeia, put opposing laners in an awkward position: fight back and draw minion aggro, or just take the punishment they hand out. Changing this mechanic will make those champions a lot more intuitive to play against, as well as easier to balance.
Affected abilities
Click to expand Akali Q - Mark of the Assassin & R - Shadow Dance Alistar W - Headbutt Anivia E - Frostbite Annie Q - Disintegrate Brand E - Conflagration & R - Pyroclasm Caitlyn R - Ace in the Hole Cassiopeia E - Twin Fang Cho'Gath R - Feast Darius R - Noxian Guillotine Diana R - Lunar Rush Elise (Human & Spider Form) Q - Neurotoxin/Venomous Bite Evelynn E - Whiplash Fiddlesticks W - Drain & E - Dark Wind Garen R - Demacian Justice Irelia E - Equilibrium Strike Janna W - Zephyr Jarvan IV R - Cataclysm Jax Q - Leap Strike Jayce (Hammer Form) Q - To The Skies & E - Thundering Blow Jhin Q - Dancing Grenade Karma W - Focused Resolve Kassadin Q - Null Sphere Katarina Q - Bouncing Blade & E - Shunpo Kayle Q - Reckoning Kha'Zix Q - Taste Their Fear LeBlanc Q - Shatter Orb Lee Sin R - Dragon's Rage Lissandra R - Frozen Tomb Lulu Enemy E - Help, Pix! Malphite Q - Seismic Shard Malzahar E - Malefic Visions & R - Nether Grasp Maokai W - Twisted Advance Mordekaiser R - Children of the Grave Nami W - Ebb and Flow Nocturne E - Unspeakable Horror & R - Paranoia (second cast) Nunu E - Ice Blast Olaf E - Reckless Swing Pantheon Q - Spear Shot & W - Aegis of Zeonia Poppy E - Heroic Charge Quinn E - Vault Rek'Sai(Unburrowed) E - Furious Bite Ryze W - Rune Prison & E - Spell Flux Sejuani E - Permafrost Shaco E - Two-Shiv Poison Singed E - Fling Skarner R - Impale Swain E - Torment Syndra R - Unleashed Power Talon Q - Noxian Diplomacy Teemo Q - Blinding Dart Tristana R - Buster Shot Trundle R - Subjugate Vayne E - Condemn Veigar R - Primordial Burst Vi R - Assault And Battery Viktor Q - Siphon Power Vladimir Q - Transfusion Volibear W - Frenzy Wukong E - Nimbus Strike Xin Zhao E - Audacious Charge Yasuo E - Sweeping Blade & R - Last Breath Item Actives Bilgewater Cutlass, Blade of the Ruined King, and Hextech Gunblade Active Summoner Spells Smite, Ignite
Healthbar Update
Moment of death is now punctuated by a brief, team colored animation. This displays on players, epic objectives, and structures. Player healthbar animations can be toggled off in the options menu.
Ticks are more evenly spaced and readable for champions with super high health.
Technically this feature came out in 7.3, but it has been bugged since. Now it's now back and functioning.NAME-BRAND Hovering over a player in the scoreboard now shows the name of the skin. MY ULTIMATE IS CHARGING You can now chat ping ultimate abilities for all players from the scoreboard— - though you’ll only be able to see timers for allies.
Champ Select
This will be activated at some point during Patch 8.2.
ALLY SKIN PREVIEWS You can now see your allies’ skin selections in the finalization phase of Champ Select. Build a full Star Guardian team for maximum skin-timidation!Minion Items
Minions now have items in their inventories which explain previously hidden mechanics. No mechanics have been changed.
League Displays
Bugfixes and updates to League Displays.
- Computer usernames not containing alphanumeric characters no longer cause League Displays to BugSplat on startup.
- Fixed a bug that caused wallpapers on Windows 7 to rotate too rapidly.
- Fixed an issue which caused images to load as a solid color instead of art.
- Fixed an issue where power settings weren't functioning properly.
- Removed the Default Screensavers collection from League Displays. Now if players do not select a screensaver or wallpaper, nothing will change.
- Added a large amount of art, including updated splashes for champions like Evelynn and Twitch. We will continue to update the art selection.
- For updates in the future, you can check out our FAQ here. If you have questions or suggestions please let us know!
- Janna's R - Monsoon no longer incorrectly knocks back champions who are protected by spell shields
- Galio's W - Shield of Durand shield now correctly returns out of combat after falling off
- Ashe's E - Hawkshot no longer procs spell shields when flying through champions out of Ashe's self-vision
- Jayce's E - Thundering Blow no longer disables Flash and Hextech Flash when used on a champion with Hextech Flashtraption shortly after they have flashed
- Fixed a bug where if Aftershock had already been triggered, the owning champion's death would cause the damage effect to apply early
- Fixed a bug where if a champion with Aftershock immobilized a champion after their death, their corpse would trigger Aftershock as normal
- Hard crowd control effects no longer incorrectly interrupt Anivia's R - Glacial Storm channel or Aurelion Sol's W - Celestial Expansion when the spell applying the crowd control had been blocked by a spell shield
- Omega Squad Twitch's Q - Ambush Camouflage VO lines have been restored
- Santa Braum is no longer missing his purchase and champion-specific taunt VO
- Star Guardian Lux's staff is no longer missing its glow
- Ambitious Elf Jinx's Q - Pow-Pow now uses skin-specific SFX, as opposed to base
- Star Guardian Miss Fortune's beam VFX have been restored during her B - recall animation
- Pentakill Olaf's Q - Undertow once again makes a cymbal crash sound!
- Headhunter Rengar's chromas R - Thrill of the Hunt True Sight SFX no longer persist on an enemy target
- Battle Boss Malzahar's W - Void Swarm and E - Malefic Visions SFX have been toned down and are now less noisy
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skin will be released in patch 8.2: