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League of Legends news » April sales schedule

Check out all the champs and skins on sale this April! Like previous sales schedules, we’re not posting the exact dates for each champ and skin, but they’ll all be on sale sometime next month.

Just a heads up – since we’re publishing these in advance, we won’t offer partial refunds on champs and skins purchased before they go on sale.

Regularly Scheduled Sales:

Champion Sale Price (RP) Skin Sale Price (RP)
Aatrox 487 Commando Garen 260
Bard 487 Commando Lux 260
Camille 487 Dark Crystal Ryze 487
Corki 395 Dark Star Varus 675
Diana 440 Elderwood Hecarim 675
Draven 440 Enchanted Galio 260
Ezreal 440 Festival Queen Anivia 487
Fizz 440 Gangster Twitch 487
Heimerdinger 395 Grungy Nunu 375
Jarvan IV 440 High Noon Yasuo 487
Jinx 487 Infernal Diana 675
Kalista 487 Iron Solari Leona 487
Karma 395 Jade Dragon Wukong 487
Kled 487 Mad Scientist Ziggs 487
Lee Sin 440 Marauder Olaf 375
Lissandra 487 Master Chef Tahm Kench 487
Lulu 440 Monarch Kog'Maw 260
Nidalee 395 Nurse Akali 487
Olaf 395 Overlord Malzahar 487
Pantheon 395 Pentakill Mordekaiser 487
Quinn 487 Prehistoric Renekton 375
Shaco 395 Rageborn Mundo 487
Shen 395 Resistance Caitlyn 260
Sona 395 Sewn Chaos Orianna 260
Urgot 395 Snow Day Bard 675
Vayne 440 Special Weapon Zac 487
Vel'Koz 487 Sultan Gangplank 487
Viktor 440 Thunder Lord Volibear 260
Volibear 440 Veigar Greybeard 375
Xerath 440 Waterloo Miss Fortune 260
Yasuo 487 Woad King Darius 487
Zac 487 Worldbreaker Nautilus 375

Early Sales:

Skin Price (RP) Sale Price (RP)
Beekeeper Singed 1350 975
Super Galaxy Elise 1350 975
Super Galaxy Nidalee 1350 975
Super Galaxy Gnar 1350 975
Super Galaxy Annie 1350 975
Mecha Rengar 1350 975
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