League of Legends news » Patch 8.17 Notes
Patch Highlights
Nexus Blitz
The Nexus Blitz live alpha continues this patch. For a rundown of changes coming this patch, head to the update article!
Nunu & Willump
Nunu & Willump, the Boy and His Yeti will start their adventure in patch 8.17! Get rolling with these links:
Full-res splash art is available on League Displays!
Attack range increased.
Right now, Annie doesn't really have gameplay outside of dumping all of her spells at once. Returning to her longer attack range lets her trade and harass with autos as an alternate pattern of aggression.ATTACK RANGE 575 ⇒ 625
R cooldown decreased.
Bard's laning phase is already strong enough, but his overall gameplay could use a bit more power. We want to give everybody's favorite chime-gathering support more playmaking opportunities so that he doesn't feel barred from using his ult for fear of its long cooldown.
R - Tempered Fate
COOLDOWN 130/110/90 seconds ⇒ 110/95/80 secondsFiora
E crit damage on second attack increased at early ranks.
Fiora's late game is pretty strong, but she could use some more dueling power in the early game to get there more often. Because, you know, duelist.
E - Bladework
CRIT DAMAGE ON SECOND ATTACK 140/155/170/185/200% ⇒ 160/170/180/190/200%Garen
Q damage decreased at later ranks.
Garen's spun his way into top lane dominance as of late, and Q's early game damage leaves opponents with few opportunities to trade well.
Q - Decisive Strike
BASE DAMAGE 30/65/100/135/170 ⇒ 30/60/90/120/150Irelia
Q damage bonus to minions increased.
We're putting some laning functionality back into Irelia's Q.
Q - Bladesurge
R cooldown decreased at early ranks.
Touching Kassadin's late game is always risky, but he has room for some more early-mid game strength.
R - Riftwalk
COOLDOWN 6/4/2 seconds ⇒ 5/3.5/2 secondsKayn
E duration increased early. Shadow E movement speed increased.
Kayn, especially as Shadow Assassin, is struggling to stay competitive with other junglers. This buff should help him move around the map (and through terrain) and extend his opportunities to pick up kills.
E - Shadow Step
DURATION 5/6/7/8/9 seconds ⇒ 7/7.5/8/8.5/9 seconds SHADOW ASSASSIN BONUS MOVEMENT SPEED 70% ⇒ 80%Master Yi
W cooldown decreased; damage reduction increased early.
Meditate can be a strong defensive tool, but it’s often underappreciated by players who use it primarily for the heal. We're giving it a small buff to encourage its use during (rather than after) combat.
W - Meditate
COOLDOWN 35 seconds ⇒ 28 seconds DAMAGE REDUCTION 50/55/60/65/70% ⇒ 60/62.5/65/67.5/70%Rengar
R cooldown decreased early.
We want to help Rengar feel powerful, but we're also trying to tone down upfront damage in League overall. Because of this, we’re giving Rengar more chances to surprise his opponents rather than boosting his damage when he does.
R - Thrill of the Hunt
COOLDOWN 130/100/70 seconds ⇒ 110/90/70 secondsVarus
Base health decreased; health growth increased.
As a marksman with long-ranged poke, Varus should be easier to kill when opponents close the gap.
Base Stats
HEALTH 549 ⇒ 499 HEALTH GROWTH 86 ⇒ 89Wukong
Now has level 1 bonus attack speed.
Wukong is far from the king of the jungle after the most recent round of changes. A boost to his early attack speed should help his early clears and make him more consistent on the map.
Base Stats
Mist Walker damage decreased.
Top laners have unearthed Yorick as a dominant pick, in part due to the threat of his Mist Walkers. Players who understand the Mist Walkers' behavior and actively play around it avoid a lot of damage, while players who don't find themselves digging their own graves. We're toning down the damage of Mist Walkers to decrease his low level pubstomp potential.
Mist Walkers
Adaptive damage now defaults to physical.
Taric's passive means he benefits a decent amount from his basic attacks.ADAPTIVE DAMAGE Now defaults to physical if Taric has no bonus attack damage or ability power
Guaranteed crit damage decreased below 30% crit. Attack speed increased and attack damage decreased.
The high amount of upfront damage in the game is something we've been looking to dial back. Last patch we trimmed a lot of the burst damage from various runes; this patch we're looking at items.CRITICAL STRIKE MODIFIER 160-200% (at 0-30% crit chance) ⇒ 140-200% (at 0-30% crit chance) ATTACK SPEED 25% ⇒ 35% ATTACK DAMAGE 65 ⇒ 60
Proc damage decreased. Lethality increased.
The high amount of upfront damage in the game is something we've been looking to dial back. Last patch we trimmed a lot of the burst damage from various runes; this patch we're looking at items.PROC DAMAGE 30-200 (at levels 1-18) ⇒ 30-150 damage (at levels 1-18) LETHALITY 18 ⇒ 21
Summoner Spells
Changed a service related to summoner spell configuration. If you haven’t played a particular queue in a couple of months, your summoner spells in that queue may reset to Heal/Ghost. Just a heads up!
- Fixed a bug where Phantom Dancer's Spectral Waltz passive would sometimes not trigger
- Fixed a bug where Akali's R - Perfect Execution dealt damage to all opponents based on the health of the last enemy struck, rather than calculating damage individually for each
- Maokai R - Nature's Grasp's sfx now correctly line up with the ability's duration.
- Fixed a bug where ranged attacks and targeted projectiles would have their VFX appear from the champion's last seen location, if they were not currently in vision
- Deep Sea Nami no longer leaves her spine behind while moving during her recall animation.
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash!
Urgot High Noon
Thresh High Noon
Lucian High Noon
Immortal Journey Irelia
Immortal Journey Talon
The following chromas will be released this patch: