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League of Legends news » November sales schedule

Check out all the champs and skins on sale this November! Like previous sales schedules, we’re not posting the exact dates for each champ and skin, but they’ll all be on sale sometime next month.

Just a heads up – since we’re publishing these in advance, we won’t offer partial refunds on champs and skins purchased before they go on sale.

Regularly Scheduled Sales:

Champion Sale Price Skin Sale Price
Ahri 440 Augmented Singed 487
Azir 487 Bard Bard 375
Bard 487 Battleborn Kayle 487
Blitzcrank 395 Blight Crystal Varus 487
Braum 487 Celestine Soraka 487
Camille 487 Cosmic Dawn Rakan 675
Elise 440 Cosmic Dusk Xayah 675
Fiora 440 Cottontail Fizz 487
Galio 395 Creator Viktor 675
Gnar 487 Crimson Elite Riven 260
Heimerdinger 395 Dragonwing Corki 487
Ivern 487 Giant Enemy Crabgot 260
Jhin 487 Gladiator Draven 487
Karma 395 Groovy Zilean 260
Kassadin 395 Headhunter Nidalee 487
Katarina 395 Ironscale Shyvana 375
Kha'Zix 440 Jaximus 487
Lucian 487 Jayce Brighthammer 375
Lux 395 Koi Nami 487
Nami 440 Mythic Cassiopeia 487
Nidalee 395 Mafia Miss Fortune 487
Nocturne 440 Mythic Casseopia 487
Olaf 395 Pentakill Olaf 487
Orianna 440 Sakura Karma 260
Ornn 487 Sashimi Akali 375
Pantheon 395 Sea Hunter Aatrox 375
Rakan 487 Sejuani Dawnchaser 375
Riven 440 Spectral Fiddlesticks 260
Sejuani 440 Statue of Karthus 260
Shyvana 395 Steel Legion Lux 487
Tahm Kench 487 Sultan Tryndamere 487
Thresh 487 Traditional Lee Sin 260
Vi 440 Tundra Hunter Warwick 260
Xayah 487 Valkyrie Leona 260
Yorick 440 Warden Sivir 375
Zac 487 Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao 675

Early Sales

Skin Price (RP) Sale Price (RP)
Pool Party Zoe 1350 975
Pool Party Caitlyn 1350 975
Pool Party Gangplank 1350 975

Emotes Sales:

Skin Price Sale Price
Gonna Be A Blast 350 175
Cup-Yay! 350 175
Unbenched 350 175
Was that Me? 350 175
Come at Me 350 175
D'Pengu 350 175
0 comments20.10.2018 21:00:02
← Prev news: It’s time for October bundles!

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