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League of Legends news » New free champion rotation: Ornn, Xayah, Kindred and more!

Greetings Summoners!

Here are this week's free champions:


Annie - the Dark Child
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Mage Corki - the Daring Bombardier
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Marksman Gnar - the Missing Link
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Fighter Secondary Role Tank Hecarim - the Shadow of War
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Fighter Secondary Role Tank Kindred - The Eternal Hunters
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Marksman Wukong - the Monkey King
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Fighter Secondary Role Tank Ornn - The Fire below the Mountain
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Tank Secondary Role Fighter Sion - The Undead Juggernaut
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Tank Secondary Role Fighter Trundle - the Troll King
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Fighter Secondary Role Tank Twitch - the Plague Rat
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Marksman Secondary Role Assassin Vel'Koz - the Eye of the Void
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Mage Xayah - the Rebel
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Marksman Zac - the Secret Weapon
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Tank Secondary Role Fighter Zyra - Rise of the Thorns
Attack Defense Ability Difficulty Primary Role Mage Secondary Role Support

See you on the Fields of Justice!

0 comments15.04.2019 21:00:02
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