League of Legends news » Teamfight Tactics' ranked update
Hey Everyone,
Teamfight Tactics' ranked system has been out for a little while now, and we’re taking stock and make a few tuning adjustments. In general, we’re happy with how ranked TFT is working, but a couple inconsistencies have made it a little more forgiving than we intended, so we're making a few changes:
Demotion Protection: In TFT, you’re supposed to demote if you lose at 0 LP in any given division (barring a few rare exceptions) as a tradeoff for the lack of promotion series you see in other League ranked queues. Due to a bug, we weren't demoting players during their first couple games after promoting. From now on, you'll be demoted if you lose LP if you were at 0 LP when the game started.
Challenger/Grandmaster Demotion Protection: For players in Challenger and Grandmaster, you’re supposed to demote into Masters if you are at 0 LP at the end of the day, and then demote back to Diamond if you lose at 0 LP in Masters. However, when there aren't enough Masters or Grand Masters players, it results in a situation where Challenger players can't demote. Moving forward, when you lose LP while at 0 LP in GM or Challenger you'll immediately be demoted to Diamond 1.
LP Adjustments: In concert with the changes to demotion protection, we're making a few other tweaks to LP calculations to prevent extreme edge cases where you could gain more LP than you should. For the most part, you will not see or feel any changes based on this optimization.
We're still building this thing with you so keep your feedback coming as we go through the beta ranked season.