League of Legends news » Patch 9.19 notes
Patch Highlights
Championship Ryze, Valiant Sword Riven, Majestic Empress Morgana, and Splendid Staff Nami will be available on September 26, 2019.
Q minion damage reduction decreased.
We overnerfed Aatrox in 9.18 and are giving back some of the waveclear he lost.
Q - The Darkin Blade
R2 max damage increased.
We also overnerfed Akali in 9.18. With her ultimate now sufficiently gated, we're returning some of the damage.
R - Perfect Execution
R2 MAXIMUM DAMAGE 195/420/645 ⇒ 225/450/645Annie
E movement speed increased; cooldown now scales.
Following up on the 9.18 changes since we ended up going with a more conservative approach than necessary.
E - Molten Shield
MOVEMENT SPEED 25-50.5% (levels 1-18) ⇒ 30-60% (levels 1-18) COOLDOWN 15 seconds ⇒ 14/13/12/11/10 secondsAshe
Passive slow increased. Q now an auto attack reset.
Increasing Ashe's utility so she can be considered a good pick when a player wants to run down opponents in the early game. In addition, we're returning the full auto attack reset to her Q. We've decided that the minimal gameplay gains weren't worth the adverse effect on the satisfaction of playing Ashe.
Passive - Frost Shot
SLOW 15-30% (levels 1-18) ⇒ 20-30% (levels 1-18)Q - Ranger's Focus
J>PQ GOT AC Now is an auto attack resetBlitzcrank
Q range increased. R max stacks increased.
Blitzcrank is the Hook and should always be even as we release other champions who just happen to have hooks in their abilities alongside other things.
Q - Rocket Grab
RANGE 1050 ⇒ 1150R - Static Field
PASSIVE MAX STACKS 2 marks ⇒ 3 marksFiora
Q can now hit turrets and wards. E2 can now crit turrets.
Fiora's in an acceptable place when it comes to matchups in lane, but she struggles to convert her lane victories into game victories.
Q - Lunge
TOWER DEFENSE Can now hit turrets and wards (will prioritize champion vitals, ultimate targets, champs, dying minions, turrets, and wards, respectively)E - Bladework
STONEHENGE The second basic attack can now deal bonus damage to turretsGragas
W cooldown increased; damage ratio decreased.
Gragas has been dominating the pro meta for a while, so we're nerfing his clear speed.
W - Drunken Rage
COOLDOWN 5 seconds ⇒ 6 seconds DAMAGE RATIO 8% of target's maximum health ⇒ 7% of target's maximum healthGraves
Base attack damage increased. Rounding out some other base stats.
We're giving Graves some more reliable power via his base attack damage so he feels generally stronger at all points of a game. Also rounding out some other stats since we're here!
Base Stats
ATTACK DAMAGE 66 ⇒ 68 HEALTH 551.1 ⇒ 555 MANA 322.2 ⇒ 325 MANA REGEN 7.9 ⇒ 8Heimerdinger
Q and R turret AP ratio increased. E stun duration increased.
Buffing Heimerdinger all-around since he's on the weaker side.
Q - H-28G Evolution Turret
BASIC ATTACK RATIO 30% ability power ⇒ 35% ability powerE - CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade
STUN DURATION 1.25 seconds ⇒ 1.5 secondsR - H28Q Apex Turret
BASIC ATTACK RATIO 30% ability power ⇒ 35% ability powerKarma
Q1 AP ratio decreased.
Nerfing Karma's non-support damage so she isn't so strong as a blind pick generalist. Teams will now have to consider losing a considerable amount of damage if they want to pick her.
Q - Inner Flame
Q1 DAMAGE RATIO 60% ability power ⇒ 40% ability powerMordekaiser
W shield from damage dealt increased. Spectators can now see champions in the Death Realm as spirits.
Lightly buffing Mordekaiser in a way that might be most felt in pro games.
W - Indestructible
DAMAGE DEALT POTENTIAL SHIELD 30% of the damage he deals ⇒ 35% of the damage he dealsR - Realm of Death
ARE YOU READY TO RUMBLE? Spectators now see the combatants in the Spooky Realm as appropriately spookyOrianna
R damage increased.
Orianna is feeling generally weak right now so we're powering up her ultimate for the sweet wombo combos.
R - Command: Shockwave
DAMAGE 150/225/300 (+0.7 ability power) ⇒ 200/275/350 (+0.8 ability power)Ornn
Free Masterwork upgrades happen earlier.
Making Ornn's unique attributes happen earlier in the game.
Passive - Living Forge
MASTERWORK UPGRADE Masterworks upgrade for free when Ornn reaches level 13 ⇒ 12Pantheon
Base magic resist decreased. W empowered damage now scales.
More follow-up post release on the stronk man.
Base Stats
MAGIC RESIST 32.1 ⇒ 28W - Shield Vault
EMPOWERED DAMAGE Deals 150% total attack damage over three hits ⇒ Deals 135-165% (levels 1-18) total attack damage over three hitsRek'Sai
Base armor increased. Unburrowed Q now works on turrets.
We're making Rek'Sai's auto attacks work the way players expect them along with some more durability.
Base Stats
ARMOR 33 ⇒ 36Q - Queen's Wrath
FACE MY WRATH Rek'Sai's Unburrowed Q now works on turretsRiven
Q cooldown increased. E cooldown decreased.
Our last few Riven changes didn't hit the results we were looking for, disproportionately weakening the players who are newer to her and don't have the same level of familiarity. We're trying again by reverting back to her pre-9.9 state and adding a simpler nerf to her E instead.
Q - Broken Wings
COOLDOWN 12 seconds ⇒ 13 secondsE - Valor
COOLDOWN 14/13/12/11/10 seconds ⇒ 12/11/10/9/8 secondsSejuani
Passive damage ratio flattened.
Sejuani's damage is very high when considering all of the utility she has, especially in pro play. We're nerfing her dueling power and mid-game damage.
Passive - Fury of the North
ICEBREAKER DAMAGE RATIO 10/15/20% of target's maximum health (levels 1, 7, 14) ⇒ 10% of target's maximum healthSion
W base shield increased.
Sion is unusually weak in skilled play. We're buffing his on-demand shielding, since this is more helpful in higher-level play.
W - Soul Furnace
BASE SHIELD 30/55/80/105/130 ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150Sylas
Base armor and armor growth decreased. Passive damage ratio adjusted.
One of Sylas' main strengths lies in his generalist kit and high AoE power from his very reliable passive. This combination created no-fail situations which led to Sylas' 3-role, omnipresent, pro flex status.
So basically, we're nerfing him so he's not 100% pick-ban at Worlds.
Base Stats
ARMOR 32 ⇒ 28 ARMOR GROWTH 3 ⇒ 2.5Passive - Petricite Burst
DAMAGE RATIO 9-60 (levels 1-18) (+1.0 total attack damage)(+0.2 ability power), reduced by 50% for minions that aren't the primary target ⇒ (+1.1 total attack damage)(+0.2 ability power) to the primary target, (+0.4 total attack damage)(+0.2 ability power) to everyone elseTahm Kench
E’s Grey Health heal now scales.
Tahm Kench is one of the best champs for protecting teammates from being picked off by enemies, and he should therefore be more vulnerable to poke.
E - Thick Skin
GREY HEALTH HEAL 75% of Grey Health at all ranks ⇒ 30-100% of Grey Health (levels 1-18)Twisted Fate
E attack speed increased; base damage increased.
Buffing TF in a way so he's better in the match-ups that favor him, but that preserve his existing vulnerabilities to ranged champions.
E - Stacked Deck
ATTACK SPEED 10/15/20/25/30% ⇒ 20/25/30/35/40% BASE DAMAGE 55/80/105/130/155 ⇒ 65/90/115/140/165Vayne
R base AD increased.
Vayne is still a tad weak after the last round of buffs, so we’re giving her more late-game power.
R - Final Hour
BONUS ATTACK DAMAGE 20/30/40 ⇒ 25/40/55Veigar
E cooldown decreased later.
Despite Veigar's scaling nature, his contributions to teamfights struggle to keep pace with what's necessary in the late game, so we're buffing the ability that helps out the most in those situations.
E - Event Horizon
COOLDOWN 18/17/16/15/14 seconds ⇒ 18/16.5/15/13.5/12 secondsXin Zhao
Passive base heal increased. Q base damage increased later.
Xin could use some love after the Scuttler changes decreased his early game power value so we're helping out.
Passive - Determination
BASE HEAL 8-59 (levels 1-18) ⇒ 10-78 (levels 1-18)Q - Three Talon Strike
BASE DAMAGE 20/25/30/35/40 ⇒ 20/28/36/44/52Yuumi
Q slow strength now flattened, duration decreased, no longer decays over time.
Yuumi has been a fuzzy menace in the pro scene, so we're nerfing one of the more pro-impacting elements of her kit.
Q - Prowling Projectile
SLOW 20/32/44/56/68/80% ⇒ 20% at all ranks SLOW DURATION 1.5 seconds ⇒ 1 seconds CAT NAP Slow no longer decays over timeZac
Bloblets restore more health.
With more value on his bloblets, Zac should be able to scale better into late game and feel more satisfaction in this unique part of his kit.
R - Let's Bounce!
newGREEN POTION Bloblets restore an additional 1/2/3% maximum healthItems
We've removed "The" from some item names and descriptions!
- Black Cleaver
- Black Spear
- Bloodthirster
- Dark Seal
- Hex Core mk1 and mk2
- Lightbringer
- Obsidian Cleaver
- Fixed a bug where Ultimate Hunter would not reduce Kayle's R - Divine Judgement's cooldown
- Fixed a bug where Rakan's self-only R marker would display in Spectator Mode
- Adjusted the default keybindings for some pings ("This is warded" moved to H, "Hold position" moved to J)
- Tibbers will properly draw turret aggro onto Annie if he deals damage to an enemy champion under turret
- Illaoi is properly able to cast W - Harsh Lesson even when Grounded
- Shyvana no longer loses her gained movement speed from W - Burnout when transforming via R - Dragon's Descent
- Yasuo is no longer able to cast R - Last Breath onto a non-knocked up target who's just been hit with Ornn's R - Call of the Forge God
- When Taunted or Silenced, Shyvana's Q - Twin Bite's empowered attack properly launches onto the target before being consumed
- Increased the recast lockout time for Pantheon's E - Aegis Assault so spamming the key doesn't accidentally, almost instantly, cancel the ability
Upcoming Skins & Chromas
The following skins will be released this patch. Grab the League Displays app for full-res splash art!
Hextech Amumu
Majestic Empress Morgana
Splendid Staff Nami
Valiant Sword Riven
Championship Ryze
Valiant Sword Riven Prestige Edition
The following chromas will be released this patch: