League of Legends news » Item Shop and Game HUD Updates
In the upcoming patch we’ve added some new features to the HUD and item shop, all wrapped up in a slick new look for the League of Legends user interface. While it might take a little getting used to, we think you’ll find that these UI updates help you quickly absorb in-game information, and purchase even faster when you head back to buy. This is particularly helpful in light of all the new items we’re adding this preseason. Here’s a rundown of what you’ll see when the new items come out.
Item Shop Updates
In addition to a sleeker-looking interface, the shop now offers more options for quickly and efficiently locating items. This includes search functionality, better sorting options, multiple layouts and more.
Here are the major store updates coming this patch:
- Item categories are all now accessible with just one click. You can also select more than one filter to help locate those highly-specialized buys.
- Selecting an item will display its components, their costs, and every higher-tier item it can build into.
- There’s now a search function to help you quickly locate and buy a particular item. It even recognizes popular slang terms such as “BT” for The Bloodthirster and “triforce” for Trinity Force.
- There are options to view items in both grid and list layouts. You can now view items as icons so you can browse more items at the same time.
- There are new recommended items for every champion that incorporate all the preseason additions to the arsenal. Recommended items have also been expanded to offer additional, categorized suggestions (starting items, durability items, offensive items, etc.) to help you tailor your build to your current situation.
HUD Updates
Along with its new aesthetic, the game HUD also has a few upgrades to increase your field of view and make relevant information readily visible. Here’s what you can expect:
- The current level of each of your active abilities is now displayed below the icon, and the hotkey assigned to each is now displayed on the button.
- Item slots are now marked by a clear hotkey indicator for to easily see which items are usable and what key activates them.
- The scoreboard in the upper right has been streamlined and sharpened to maintain clarity.
Be sure to stop by and share your feedback on the forums. The devs are standing by to answer your questions!