League of Legends news » Champion & Skin Sale: Sledding by Sunlight
Ah! A wonderful winter afternoon for me and Chomper to go sledding. There’s fresh snow, crisp air, and no blood stains that could freeze and send us sprawling when we just want to fly down these hills.
- Wait... Who’s that? Frostblade Irelia is dressed for the occasion, with her outfit all covered by soft blues and shimmering white hues, and those Spirit Blades sure stand out. Maybe I can talk her into steering a sled instead of slicing up champions. Whoops! She Bladesurged away. 487 RP
- But Amethyst Ashe can freeze her in her tracks. The more the merrier, I always say. We need five for a real sledding team, anyway. Why’s she movin’ so cautiously, though? She’s drawing her bow! I don’t think she wants to play at all. 487 RP
- It’s Cowgirl Miss Fortune she’s aiming at! Not a very sensible outfit for the cold weather, I’d say. I guess those twin revolvers do look ready to heat up the situation. I wanted just one quiet sledding session with my shark, and a fight’s ready to break out. 487 RP

- Rengar is prowling around; I don’t think they’ve seen him. There’s the pounce! Ashe doesn’t even know what hit her, but they’re ruining all the fresh snow. How can Chomper and I practice our jumps now? 487 RP
- What’s a giant anchor doing here? Oh, it’s Nautilus! The Titan of the Depths is crunching giant craters in the snow. Finally, a chance to try out some of my new moves around those moguls! 487 RP
- I see what’s going on. Swain is trying out some new battle tactics. He must’ve brought all these champions here to take notes on their moves. All I need to do is get their attention. What if I Urchin Strike? 425 RP

Uh oh. Looks like that worked a little too well. Swain is jumping in the fray, transforming into a Ravenous Flock. These champions just don’t know when to stop. Maybe Chum the Waters will make them think twice! Or, at least, convince them to race with me. Either way, seems like they’ll be here from November 23 to November 26, but I can’t guarantee there won’t be blood on the ice.
0 comments23.11.2012 02:00:01
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