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League of Legends news » Summoner Showcase #97: Love and Waffles

Fan art. Machinima. Figurines. The depths of your creativity and skill are mind-blowing, summoners. This batch of community creations is sure to delight, so click play already!

Glowing Veigar Statue
Ecolius’ dad put together this amazing glowing Veigar statue, cementing him as Best Dad NA and proving that just a little bit of evil keeps families close.

Heimerdinger Snowman
Mid lane, beware! Snowmerdinger comes alive in this faithful winter recreation of the Revered Inventor by Grismas and Mannemon. Watch the monocle pop! Let’s just hope there aren’t any turrets covered under any fresh snowfall.

League Weapon Sketches
Joaquin’s notebook weapon sketches illustrate just how diverse and pokey the League’s arsenal can be. See if you can match up each weapon with its wielder!

Nami Piano Mix
Fanatiq’s beautiful freestyle rendition of Nami’s login music captures the fantasy of diving beneath the waves on an epic journey and surfing to victory. Keep mashing those keys, because we want to hear more beautiful music from you.

Battleborn Kayle Cosplay
Charge into the fray with MissMediocre, clad in hand-crafted Battleborn Kayle armor. Whether dominating top lane or the convention floor, this Kayle cosplay is sure to impress.

A Tale of Two Wards
From forth the inventory of these champions, a pair of star-crossed wards find love on the battlefield. Wowcrendor’s epic tale of love, surprise and timers hopefully allows you to better appreciate the fragile lives of the wards we so take for granted.

Waffled-up Ziggs
Why Ziggs is eating waffles in MaD GReEN BuNNy’s fan art we may never know, but are you really going to argue against a hexplosives expert with a short fuse? If the yordle wants his waffles, the yordle gets his waffles!

Pinup Ahri
Rambolinchen’s chooses to highlight Ahri’s seductive side instead of the whole ruthless killer bit in this pinup drawing. Props to Ahri for moving so quickly down lane wearing such high heels.

Keep those submissions coming, summoners. Send your fan creations and submissions, along with your summoner name, to!

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