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League of Legends news » Dodge Stat Removed in the Upcoming Patch


In December we announced our intention to begin removing the Dodge stat from League of Legends over the course of the next few patches. Since then, we’ve been systematically remaking all those champions and items that relied heavily on Dodge in order to ensure that they fit into the post-Dodge meta-game.

As of this week’s patch, the final remakes have been completed including Sword of the Divine, Ninja Tabi, and Jax, the Grandmaster at Arms. With the completion of these updates we will be officially bidding farewell to the Dodge stat, and have removed all Dodge runes from the League of Legends Store. Players who chose to re-purchase their dodge runes for use in the interim will be receiving a refund for these purchases over the course of the coming days.

For a more information on the removal of the Dodge stat, you can watch the Sejuani Patch Preview or view a full list of changes in the Sejuani Patch Notes.

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