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League of Legends news » Alistar pulverizes his way through pro play

Bulls aren't exactly known for their subtlety. They're usually mooing up a storm, ramming into stuff, and generally causing a ruckus. Sometimes, they even find themselves in a china shop, wrecking everything in sight.

But on the Rift, a squishy back line is that china shop and Alistar is that bull. Since the beginning of the 2015 Summer Split, the Minotaur has been everywhere -- including many teams' ban lists. In fact, he was picked or banned in every single game in the North American LCS, China's LoL Pro League, and Champions Korea in the last week of play. In Europe, that number is 80%, while in Taiwan's League Master Series, it's 83%. It's undeniable: the cow is back and Pulverizing his way through the pro scene.


Counter Logic Gaming's support Zaqueri "Aphromoo" Black gave us a cheeky summary of what Alistar can do, saying, "He's just really, really effective at being annoying to the enemy team."

With the 70% damage reduction on his ultimate Unbreakable Will (R), Alistar becomes basically, well, unbreakable during teamfights. "You can't kill him in team fights when he pops his ulti, so he's doing his job as a front liner, but can also [crowd control] multiple people," says Aphromoo.

That AoE crowd control is why Alistar is able to create so much havoc during team fights. And with team fights lasting so long in the current tank meta, he's able to cause even more. "Team fights are lasting 10-15 seconds. Alistar is able to last that long because of his ultimate," says Aphro. If a team were to bring a squishier support like Janna or Nami into a fight, they'd get blown up if they tried to stick around as long as the cow. "Alistar stays alive, so he'll get more rotations on the spells off," he says.

All that survivability allows him to be extremely versatile in what he can pull off. Sure, he can engage with what Team Liquid support Alex "Xpecial" Chu calls a "mini Malphite ultimate," but he can also peel, catch out of position targets, or even just be a meat shield.

Says Aphro, "If they're grouped up, you're looking for three to four man Pulverizes (Q). He's good at standing at the middle of all the tanks and blocking people. Or you look to make 'The Play.' If your job is to stop the LeBlanc, you keep Headbutting (W) her during the fight and Pulverizing anyone you can. If you're doing that, then you don't really have to peel. Or you can be the initiator and Headbutt-Pulverize a primary target, or anyone if your team can output enough damage."

Basically, according to Gravity's Michael "Bunny FuFuu" Kurylo, "He does everything."

Back, Bull

Obviously, Alistar is a team fighting powerhouse, so keeping him down usually has to happen in the early stages of the game. Unfortunately for those looking to make steaks out of him, his laning phase is extremely safe.

In fact, Xpecial started to pick him up as a way to deal with a lane dominant (and back then, brand new) support pick. "I first played him back in [the 2015 NA LCS Spring Split] Playoffs, and it was my counter to Nautilus," he says. "[Alistar has] a lot of sustain, so even poke champions can't do too well against him. It's impossible to all-in an Alistar because he has his ultimate."

He says that the best ways to deal with an Alistar is with champions that combine poke with the ability to kite him around the map. "In lane, you have to play around him early," explains Xpecial. "For example, a Janna, a Bard, or a Kalista lane in general will be able to shut him down early." Even if he takes Triumphant Roar (E) for the healing capabilities at Level 1 to deal with the poke, he won't have the full combination of Headbutt-Pulverize.

What's more, he can't carry games by himself. "As strong as Alistar is, and as much AOE CC that he has, he's not a support that can carry by just raw damage," says Xpecial. "He doesn't have any of that, so you're going to have to coordinate your team and CC correctly." Of course, on a pro team, that shouldn't be a problem -- but be careful if you're planning on pulling him out in Solo Queue.

Will Alistar continue being a massive priority pick all across the world? Or will the rise of Bard, Kalista, and the occasional Janna manage to poke him out of lane? Make sure to keep your eye on Lolesports for more professional League of Legends from around the world.

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