Overwatch news » Black Friday Sale: Save 50% on Overwatch

Over 35 million players have joined the fight for the future, but the world could always use more heroes.
Now, becoming an Overwatch agent is easier than ever! For a limited time, we’ve sniped 50% off all versions of Overwatch for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Prospective players can pick up discounted digital copies of Overwatch® and Overwatch®: Game of the Year Edition from the Battle.net Shop and participating retailers through November 27*.
If you're ready to answer the call, then set your infra-sights on the Overwatch: Game of the Year Edition—in addition to the complete roster of Overwatch heroes, maps, and game features, you’ll also get a fully loaded bundle of bonus content and Overwatch-themed extras for several Blizzard Entertainment games. Already an agent of Overwatch? Upgrade to the Game of the Year Edition for only $10.00 USD**!
Head to buyoverwatch.com now and join up with your new allies. But don’t miss your shot—this offer ends November 27 at 11:59 p.m. PT.
*Pricing and timing may vary by retailer.
**Upgrade cost for supported local currencies: $12.50 CAD, $17.50 NZD, and ¥2160.00 JPY
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