Overwatch news » Overwatch Digital Comic: "Yeti Hunt"

The latest installment in our series of digital comic shorts has arrived: Yeti Hunt!
Mei and Snowball are ready to hunt the dangerous Yeti that roams Nepal’s mountain tops. But before they can set up the perfect trap, their not-so-carefully-laid plans are discovered—and now they must outwit (and outmaneuver) the legendary beast to survive…
Written by Blizzard’s own Robert Brooks and illustrated by community artist Nathan "onemegawatt" Nguyen, "Yeti Hunt" is now available for download at comic.playoverwatch.com. You can also experience the action and sound of this story through the Madefire motion book on desktop, mobile, and Apple TV.
We hope you enjoy it—stay tuned for more Overwatch comics coming soon!
Missed any of our previous comic shorts? Check them out here.
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