Overwatch news » Overwatch Cosmetics Update Countdown

New year, new gear!
We're expanding our core cosmetics collection to include over 100 new items—including skins, sprays, player icons, emotes, and more—for all 26 heroes. And, starting January 23, you’ll be able to earn these cosmetics in standard Loot Boxes as well as unlock them via the Hero Gallery all year round.
We've already announced a few of the items included in this update at BlizzCon 2017, but there's so much more to share! Leading up to the official release next week, we'll be unveiling new cosmetics each day for the next six days. Check out the galleries below to see what's already been revealed, and be sure to visit this page daily for a first look at some of the newest collectibles coming soon.
Only 6 more days until our cosmetics update arrives in Overwatch! Join us as we count down to their release with new item reveals every day.
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) January 17, 2018
Today's reveal: NEW HERO SPRAYS
Which cosmetics are you looking forward to the most? Let us know in the comments below!
Keep your eye on this page for more reveals, and don’t forget to join us for the official launch of this update on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on January 23.
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