Overwatch news » New Hero First Look: Brigitte

An engineer with peerless armor-constructing abilities, Brigitte Lindholm is a valiant squire who fights on the front line to protect her allies.
The youngest of Torbjörn’s daughters, Brigitte is an adventurer who travels with her godfather—Reinhardt Wilhelm—to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. Previously, she aided Reinhardt by repairing his armor but as time has passed, Brigitte has realized that there is some damage that her hammer cannot fix. Her desire to help stronger than ever, Reinhardt is training her to fight while she built her own armor in secret. Now she fights alongside him on the front line, where she can make an even bigger difference.
Brigitte’s armor engineering capabilities make her a stalwart support hero, capable of holding her ground in combat while also providing healing and armor for her allies. Her primary weapon is her heavy-hitting Rocket Flail that she swings in a wide arc in front of her to smash multiple enemies at once. Whip Shot enables Brigitte to fling her flail forward, striking enemies at a distance and knocking them backward. With each blow, Brigitte’s passive ability, Inspire, heals nearby allies over time.
Brigitte’s Barrier Shield deploys a frontal energy barrier that can absorb a limited amount of damage and protect any allies directly behind her. Once her Barrier Shield is deployed, she can use Shield Bash to lunge forward and stun the first enemy in her path. Drawing on her engineering prowess, Brigitte can create Repair Packs to instantly heal wounded allies or provide armor to teammates at maximum health. When Brigitte is at her strongest, she can activate her ultimate ability, Rally—a galvanizing call to arms that generates a substantial amount of armor for nearby allies and increases Brigitte’s movement speed so she can lead them into battle.
Learn more about Brigitte’s abilities and backstory on her official hero detail page.
Brigitte is the seventh support character to join the Overwatch lineup and her gameplay is engineered to defend allies while also providing healing and armor. She excels at healing multiple allies at once with Inspire while pressuring the enemy team’s front line as she whittles them down with her Rocket Flail. Her Whip Shot can be used to disrupt an enemy formation or to shove a flanking assassin off a vulnerable teammate. Repair Pack can be either used as an instant reactionary heal or as a preventative heal when anticipating incoming enemy damage. Brigitte’s Barrier Shield is most effective as a personal shield to absorb some damage so Brigitte can reposition herself if she finds herself being targeted by the enemy or safely move up into the heat of the fray. Shield Bash’s stun can be key in defending her allies from foes who get too close, or to immobilize an important target and start a team fight. Its mobility allows her to move into a fight or escape from an enemy’s reach. Rally can be used either to engage the enemy with a favorable advantage or safely disengage from a losing battle. Armor gained from her ultimate is permanent until chipped away by damage.
Brigitte is available for testing right now on the Overwatch PTR!
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