Overwatch news » Overwatch Digital Comic: “Retribution”

“No one will ever know Blackwatch was there.”
The latest installment in our series of digital comic shorts has arrived: Retribution!
Following a large-scale attack on Overwatch’s facilities in Oslo, Norway, Blackwatch gets to work gathering intel so the peace-keeping organization can pursue justice. Their findings point to one of Talon’s high-ranking members but taking him down will prove to be a complicated affair.
Blackwatch agents are tasked with apprehending the mastermind, but their plans are quickly interrupted…
Written by Blizzard Entertainment’s Matt Burns and illustrated by Gray Shuko, “Retribution” is now available for download.
We hope you enjoy it—stay tuned for more Overwatch comics coming soon!
Missed any of our previous comic shorts? Check them out here.
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