Overwatch news » Introducing Flash Ops!

What’s better than experiencing Overwatch? Experiencing Overwatch with friends, of course!
Overwatch: Flash Ops are in-person celebrations for fans of all ages, interests, and skill levels. Whether you’re a grizzled veteran of competitive play, an intrepid archivist who can recite the entire history of the Omnic Crisis verbatim, an avid viewer of Overwatch esports, or a shiny new cadet who’s just really into Overwatch, Flash Ops has something for you.
Flash Ops take place at partnered retail locations, academic institutions, and industry events, among other locations. Some last for a few short hours, while others can continue on for months, and no two will ever be exactly alike. Wherever you see the signature Pachimari, you can be sure that laidback, fun times with friends and Overwatch await.
What can you expect at Flash Ops? We don’t want to spoil all the surprises, but here’s a sampling of the types of activities that you can expect:
- 1v1 Mystery Duel
- 3v3 Lockout
- 8 player FFA
- 4v4 Team Deathmatch
- Overwatch Trivia
- Art activities
- More!
For our first major campaign, we’re bringing Flash Ops to all North American Microsoft Store locations for their ASUS ROG Arena community nights! Every Thursday evening between April 19 and June 21, you can meet up with other passionate fans in your local community to compete in Arcade-format matches. High-powered gaming laptops will be provided at all locations, along with friendly gaming community managers to help get you set up. All that’s missing is you! Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more information on how you can get involved with Flash Ops at Microsoft Store.
Also, if you're a diehard Overwatch League fan who's looking to experience the best competitive Overwatch on the planet Flash Ops will be partnering with Tespa for a series of six Overwatch League viewing parties across North America during stages 3 and 4. The playoff race is heating up, and you can experience the action with other fans at Tespa’s viewing parties.
- 04/07 – Rochester Institute of Technology – Rochester, NY
- 04/13 - Academy of Art University - San Francisco, CA
- 04/20 – University of Connecticut – Storrs, CT
- 04/26 – Rutgers University – Somerset, NJ
- 05/05 – University of California Riverside – Riverside, CA
- 05/19 – University of California Santa Barbara – Goleta, CA
If you're outside of North America, worry not. North America is just the first stop. Flash Ops will be looking to make its global debut in the future. Be sure to watch the @OWPathtoPro Twitter account for information on where you can find Flash Ops.
Are you a retail location looking to run a Flash Op? Drop us a line at FlashOps@Blizzard.com, and we’ll be in touch.
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