Overwatch news » Overwatch Archives Challenge

Now that the Overwatch Archives have been unlocked, we’re hosting our first Overwatch Archives Challenge. These weekly mission challenges will feature your favorite streamers and community personalities striving to prove who’s the best Blackwatch strike team in the world.
Cheer on your favorite streamers with their hand-picked squads as they compete against their rivals for the prize—four Retribution-themed bundles featuring a top-of-the-line MSI Gaming 27” curved gaming monitor, MSI gaming peripherals, a Genji statue, and other gear... all of which they will give away to their viewers.
We’ll update this blog every week with their scores so you can track your dream stream team on the leaderboard.
Each Wednesday we will reveal the new weekly challenge and teams will have until Sunday at 11:59 PT to play through the missions on Legendary mode and to post their highest scores. Scores will be submitted by tagging @PlayOverwatch on Twitter and using the hashtag #OverwatchArchives. Please note that all runs must be livestreamed or uploaded to YouTube and accompanied by a screenshot for the score submission to be valid.
Week 1 (April 11 – 15): Retribution Story Mode Challenge
For this challenge, teams will play Retribution as the original members of Blackwatch—Genji, McCree, Moira and Reyes—to escape a Talon facility with their lives and the highest score.
Week 2 (April 18 – 22): UNKNOWN
Week 3 (April 25 – 29): UNKNOWN
We’re partnering with content creators from around the world to bring you three weeks of action-packed Overwatch Archives content. See which of your favorite community personalities are competing with the full roster of participants listed below.
Member | Channel |
Riku | twitch.tv/rikurikuriku |
Fascinate | twitch.tv/FascinateOW |
Amplifire | twitch.tv/amplifireph |
Asurai | twitch.tv/asuraiph |
Member | Channel |
Afiz | twitch.tv/afiz |
Melancholia | twitch.tv/melancholiaaaaaa |
QianYawns | twitch.tv/qianyawns |
Xenofly | twitch.tv/xenoflyow |
Member | Channel |
Deejay Knight | twitch.tv/deejayknight |
Black Oni | twitch.tv/blackoni |
DJ Tech | twitch.tv/djtechlive |
TheeWrightGuy | twitch.tv/theewrightguy |
Member | Channel |
Emongg | twitch.tv/emongg |
Fran | twitch.tv/fran |
WantedOW | twitch.tv/wantedow |
barcode_ow | twitch.tv/fran |
Member | Channel |
Lt. Eddy | twitch.tv/lieutenanteddy |
GreenThyme | twitch.tv/greenthyme |
LeeAcer | twitch.tv/leeacer |
iamSamurai | twitch.tv/iamsamurai |
Member | Channel |
Fareeha | twitch.tv/fareeha |
Jayne | twitch.tv/jayne |
AspenOW | twitch.tv/aspen |
FitzyHere | twitch.tv/fitzyhere |
Member | Channel |
BrandonTV | twitch.tv/iambrandon |
CupAhNoodle | twitch.tv/cupahnoodle |
zotbot | twitch.tv/zotbot |
okaydrian | twitch.tv/okaydrian |
Member | Channel |
Dabacabb | twitch.tv/Dabacabb |
YourOverwatch | twitch.tv/youroverwatch |
OW Curious | fb.gg/gamingcurios |
OhNickel | facebook.com/OhNickel |
Member | Channel |
Mr Yee | twitch.tv/zax82410 |
alaykeru | twitch.tv/alaykeru |
Paul | twitch.tv/junopaul0718 |
Graves | twitch.tv/bestleemidtw |
Member | Channel |
BabyNie | twitch.tv/nielnieh345 |
BigBoss | twitch.tv/nwbigboss |
Karlos | twitch.tv/ts00993860 |
Member | Channel |
JugandoConNatalia | youtube.com/JugandoConNatalia |
Viciosin | youtube.com/viciosin |
Thomasturbado | youtube.com/thomasturbado |
Halcyontv | twitch.tv/halcyontv |
Member | Channel |
Cherrigan | twitch.tv/cherrigan |
Sopa de Murloc | twitch.tv/sopa_de_murloc |
Summercitoxp | twitch.tv/summercitoxp |
Ashketchum113 | twitch.tv/ashketchum113 |
Member | Channel |
pOkiz | twitch.tv/pokizgames |
Cooruja | twitch.tv/cooruja |
Desth - o Ogro | twitch.tv/joguecomoumogro |
Fleeur | twitch.tv/fleeur |
Member | Channel |
Zilverk | twitch.tv/zilverk |
Liaph | twitch.tv/liaph |
Nuviaouo | twitch.tv/nuviaouo |
Sockzam | twitch.tv/sockzam_ |
Member | Channel |
Nadiacala | twitch.tv/nadiacala |
Lolirot | twitch.tv/lolirot |
Daniikills | twitch.tv/daniikills |
Atomika13 | twitch.tv/atomika13 |
Member | Channel |
Muselk | twitch.tv/muselk |
Tyr0din | twitch.tv/tyr0din |
BazzaGazza | twitch.tv/bazzagazza |
MuddyHikoku | twitch.tv/muddyhikoku |
Member | Channel |
Makina | youtube.com/user/30secondsforkill |
CooLifeGame | youtube.com/user/CooLifeGame |
AlphaPlays | youtube.com/c/AlphaPlays |
Winghaven | youtube.com/c/WinghavenIsTheMan |
Member | Channel |
Blinku | twitch.tv/blinekgames |
Teko | youtube.com/tekooverwatch |
Theo | youtube.com/theophiltv |
Kondyss | https://www.twitch.tv/kondyss |
Member | Channel |
aSmoogl | youtube.com/asmoogl |
iOllek | https://www.youtube.com/iOllek |
Misskywalker | twitch.tv/misskywalker |
MisterMedusa | twitch.tv/medusaow |
After completing all three weekly challenges, we’ll tally the points and the team that scores the highest will be crowned the champions! Each member of the winning team will receive a Retribution prize pack to share with their stream viewers. Return to this page for more details as we reveal which challenge the teams will face next.
Play along with the streamers and post your own scores on social media with the hashtag #OverwatchArchives.
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