Starcraft 2 news » New Seasonal Event: Ulnar New Year
KA-POW! In celebration of the Lunar New Year, we’re releasing the "Ulnar New Year" Mutation, where you’ll learn first-hand how exploding enemies can make for a beautiful, yet deadly, display in the night sky.
Set on the "Lock and Load" Co-op mission, the Ulnar New Year mutation challenges you and your Co-op pal to secure celestial locks while also dodging deadly fireworks. Every time an enemy unit is slain, fireworks are launched from the corpse, targeting nearby air and ground units. The area affect damage is nothing to celebrate and you’ll quickly find your army decimated if you’re not quick on your feet.
But it’s not all bad news. In the tradition of the New Year, envelopes filled with minerals and gas will randomly (and frequently) spawn all over the map for you or your ally to collect. This extra income will be well worth the effort to amass as it’s quite likely you’ll need to constantly reinforce your army from all the firework-related deaths.
Ulnar New Year is now live and will be available until early Monday morning, January 30. May this year bring you joy, wealth, and a swift end to your enemies!