Starcraft 2 news » StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Patch 3.19.1

- Autostart has been re-enabled for public lobbies, with an added 5 second delay to give users more time to make selections before it starts.
- The “Open to Public” button has been moved next to “Start Game” as well as renamed to “Make Public”. Additional labeling has been added to help clarify when a lobby is private or public.
- “Mode” has been added to the open lobby list so you can once again see which mode a map is set to before joining the lobby.

- Custom
- Custom game lobbies now can be properly searched by both lobby name and map name.
- Scrolling to the bottom of the map list in Arcade now properly displays more maps.
- Fixed a display issue where the lobby preview panel would not update properly.
- Fixed a display issue where bookmarks would not show up in the quick bookmarks panel.
- Fixed an issue where the Open to Public button could become disabled based on match privacy, making it so some games were impossible to make public.
- Fixed a display issue where the genre filter dropdown could appear empty.
- The open lobbies list now properly updates when clearing the filter by using the “X” button.
- Create Offline Game is now properly displayed in the map context menu.
- Pinned maps no longer continue to appear after logging in with a different account or changing regions.
- Multiplayer
- Fixed an issue where Hellions could use Hellbat Mode without an Armory.
- Thors with the Special Forces skin now appear the appropriate size.
- Queens with the Leviathan skin now appear the appropriate size.
- Oracles can no longer place Stasis Ward within structures.
0 comments13.10.2017 09:12:01
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