TERA news » Double Enchanting and Demon’s Wheel Weekend
The “Arsenal” update is right around the corner, bringing big changes to the gear progression in TERA. To help players prepare, this weekend we’re running a double enchanting event and highlighting the Demon’s Wheel!
Starting Friday, October 6 at 10 a.m. PDT, and running until maintenance on Tuesday, October 10, enchanting your weapons and armor to +12 is easier, thanks to our enchanting event!
Sadly, Demoros and his Demon’s Wheel are going away next week, so we wanted to give all the gamblers some extra shots at prizes. Winning the Demon’s Wheel dungeon gives you a chance to get:
- Starglow costume loot box ×1
- Obsidian Airwolf loot box
- Angora Air loot box ×1
- Dyeable SWAT Locker ×1
- Superior Noctenium Elixir ×1
Take a run at the Demon's Wheel and see if the luck of the Sky Whale is on your side!