TERA news » Vanarch Elections: Creative Campaigning and Stats That Rule
TERA’s political system is in full swing, and players are hard at work securing their chance to rule! Across the server forums, players rally for support, making a plethora of plans and promises. These campaigns extend beyond the game world—into Facebook pages, tweets, and the occasional full-page ad on sites such as TERA Tome. It’s terrific to see so many players participating.
We’ve also created a new web resource for TERA’s in-game political data: the TERA Vanarch Elections page. Track your vanarch’s poll numbers. Check up on your competition. Read vanarch platform statements and campaign info. Compare the candidates’ vote counts and praise tallies. See how your server stacks up against others.
Find some time to learn who’s campaigning on your servers, and take advantage of one of TERA’s most unique features. Who knows? The next vanarch we celebrate might be you!