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TERA news » Chronoscroll Contest Winners!

TERA Chronoscroll Contest Winners

We asked you to tell us about players who improve the game for everyone and to describe how they do it. Your chronoscroll contest entries really brightened our day! Lots of wonderful TERA players step up to help others, in the game and out. The decisions weren’t easy, but we finally managed to pick one entry from each server. These exceptional gamers—and the players who nominated them—each win a chronoscroll, which is good for a month of free game time (and are sellable at the trade broker). The entries speak for themselves, so here are the winners.


Sygaiah nominates Maeriss. In their country, Croatia, playing MMOs is more of a luxury than most places. Maeriss “practically sold his soul” to buy two copies of TERA so they could play together. “If he sees a way to make someone happy, and he can do it, no matter if it’s money or just doing a favor, he will gladly do it,” Sygaiah says. “Maeriss is one of the few people I see actually trying to make the world a better place both in real life and in games.”

Basilisk Crag

Demetrio nominates Bullorama for his willingness to ”tank” life’s difficulties. Demetrio is going through a rough time, and he says Bullorama “has repeatedly helped me out financially so that I am able to continue to participate in the MMO world.”

“Bullorama saved the day, as most lancers seem to do,” Demetrio adds. “I was able to participate in the betas/head start, and I have been thoroughly enjoying this game since.”


Sagacyte.The.Rogue nominates Goliathon and Alonalynn. “We kept together all the way to Tenebrous Mines. Being a tank/healer combo, they plowed through the area, and they helped me all the way,” Sagacyte says. “I learned they were a real-life marriage...We kept questing for hours, doing quests along the coast, all the way to Mistmoor.”

Celestial Hills

Senny nominates her boyfriend, Xane, and in a heroic twist offers her own chronoscroll to their friend Lyli. Xane happily joined Senny on an RP server even though he loves PvP. When Xaneplays a lancer in a group with a berserker, he passes on gear his character could use. Xane’s reasoning: “For me it’s easy to click matchmaking and have a group, but for you it takes hours to get in.”

Senny has her own generous streak: Instead of keeping the chronoscroll she’s won, she asked us to give it to Lyli, a mutual friend. Senny and Xane bought Lyli a copy of TERA for his birthday, and the game’s become a real lifeline for him. “These two boys made lots of sacrifices and times are hard for them,” she writes.


Wikus nominates Mikael, who introduced him to a great guild. . When he started playing TERA, Wikus was handling a lot of stress and felt very depressed and isolated. Mikael convinced him to join his guild, where he discovered that the group was kind, nurturing, and supportive. “The entire legion has slowly changed my outlook on many situations and has allowed me to learn how to be more tolerable to shitty situations and how to push through on unfortunate times in life,” Wikus says. “Mikael has essentially taken me out of this negative bubble and every day offers me a positive moment that influences and changes each day for the better.”

Feral Valley

Seanebum nominates Theaceman. Seanebum doesn’t usually spend money on games for himself. “My little brother, Theaceman, purchased the game for me,” he writes. “[He] has mentored me on the game, as well as protected me from outlaws! I love my brother, and it’s only thanks to him that I get to enjoy the amazing experience of TERA.”


Greywulf nominates Raiyna for building their guild’s strength and reputation through great leadership. Raiyna and her boyfriend, Westley, run the guild, putting its welfare ahead of their own. Greywulf wants Raiyna to have the scroll because she and Westley are struggling to pay for both accounts. Regardless of their own struggles, Raiyna and Westley “make each person in the guild feel special, and that they are important to the guild and the game. Our guild uses TeamSpeak, and the channel brightens whenever Raiyna and Westley log in because of their wonderful personalities and ability to communicate with each member of the guild,” Greywulf says.

Frost Reach

Legendaryii nominates Vengence, the leader of his guild, after Vengence organized a six-hour “gold rush” to help pay for a guildie’s continued play on her last remaining day. “One of our members, Valloria, has been down on her luck, lost her job, and could not afford to renew her subscription,” Vengence writes. “But there’s no way we will stand by as one of our members falls!“ Because Vengence “will never ask for anything in return,” Legendaryii says a chronoscroll makes a perfect thank-you gift.

Jagged Coast

Alphakennybody nominates Taharial, who introduced Alphakennybody to TERA. Talharial’s claim to fame and fortune? He’s enough fun to keep Alphakennybody adventuring ’til the morning light. Alphakennybody’s tale of the night is too long to print in full here, but they shared both triumphs and tragedies, such as their defeat by a literally big-ass monster. “In all my years of playing MMORPGs, I had died some pretty gruesome deaths…but never have I ever been slain by a monster’s derriere.”

Serpentis Isle

Kesstrel nominates The.Best. “I don’t really know this person well, but I came upon this person and another person speaking in a global channel about jobs and/or the job market,” Kesstrel says. “It seemed like he was very much down on his luck, [struggling] in the field he had paid quite a bit of money to go to college for. He mentioned he was feeling pretty bummed and lost about the whole thing and wasn’t sure what else to do right now, but he did find playing games online took his mind off things for a little while.

“While a month of free time in an on-line game won’t change this person’s life, I would hope that it could at least give him a little break,” Kesstrel writes.

Valley of Titans

Yosh nominates guild mate Lionfury for taking the high road in politics. “As the information about the first vanarchy elections was released, it seemed everyone realized that having powerful friends was the way to go. Vote trading was the most popular strategy,” Yosh says. “It was Lionfury who showed us how a different approach no one seemed to be considering could drastically change the outcome of the race.”

Instead of trading influence, Lionfury organized a guild effort to get out and talk to people not in guilds competing for vanarch—people who felt their votes wouldn’t count. Lionfury plugged away cheerfully, hour after hour, inspiring her friends to stick with it. Slowly but surely, they clawed up the rankings and won a vanarchy. “We saw the elections as a validation of our way of doing things. We wanted the rest of the server to believe in us, in our promise to do things differently and to reward a group that wants to make a difference on the server,” Yosh writes.

Sometimes good things do happen to good people. Thanks to everyone who entered, and to all the heroes out there adding to everyone’s fun!

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