TERA news » New Season, New Stuff!
TERA always puts you in the heart of the action, but now you can take the spotlight!
Stadiums and performance halls across the federation are enjoying record attendance during performances of the new play “Ascension Valley Girl,” a fun fantasy romp between the Cool Kids Club and their rivals the Castanica Demons.
And thanks to the TERA Store , you can be part of the fun with new costumes, accessories, and loot boxes! Beginning Thursday, September 24 at 11 a.m. PDT, join the Cool Kids Club with a Varsity Blue Dogs smart box, a canvas backpack, a black catocaster, or a pair of sharp shades.
Or if you want to write your own lines, take a chance with one of our new loot boxes. The Denim box is guaranteed to contain a semi-enigmatic scroll, and possibly a dyeable jeans and jacket outfit, a backpack, alkahests, spellbinds, or other consumables.
Looking to walk on the wild side with the Castanica Demons? Pick up a Rocker box, also guaranteed to have a semi-enigmatic scroll but this time with a chance at a Castanica Demons leather outfit, guitar accessories, or consumables.
Visit the TERA Store today and pick up the hottest costume items of the season.