TERA news » Weekend Sale: Straight outta the Vault
While reorganizing the warehouse the other day, we discovered a treasure trove of hot items, specifically Jumpsuit costume boxes and Cinematic Triumph loot boxes!
This weekend is your chance to pick them up again! Starting Friday, March 4 at 10 a.m. PST until 10 a.m. PST on Monday, March 7, not only can you buy these sought-after items, but we’re selling them for 50 percent off!
The Jumpsuit costume box contains the Jumpsuit of Death, a stylish costume for male and amani female characters.
And if you’re looking for something more exotic, the Cinematic Triumph loot box is guaranteed to contain an instance reset scroll, but may also contain a Cinematic Triumph smart box with a Kill BAM jumpsuit (for males and amani females) or a Black Magic costume (for elins, castanic females, high elf females, or human females), alkahests, or other consumables.
These great boxes are only available until Monday morning, so don’t let this one slip away again.