TERA news » Weekend Sale: Maid Outfits
This weekend, we’re bringing back three popular maid costume items, and putting them on sale for 30 percent off!
From Friday, July 29, to Monday, August 1, visit the TERA Store and pick up these great costumes before they head back into the vault.
- Maid's Loot Box
- Twice-Maid Bundle
- Maid to Work Bundle
The sale also extends to all other maid (and butler) uniforms in the TERA store, including:
- Elin Housemaid Loot Box
- Governess Loot Box
- Smart Uniform Smart Box
- Governess's Frill Bundle
- Governess's Green Frill
- Governess's Pink Frill
- Governess's White Frill
- Governess's Black Frill
- Gamekeeper's Cap Bundle
- Plaid Gamekeeper's Cap
- Gamekeeper's Cap
- Black Gamekeeper's Cap
- White Gamekeeper's Cap
- Brown Gamekeeper's Cap
- Gray Gamekeeper's Cap
0 comments29.07.2016 18:00:06
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