World of Tanks news » World of Tanks Veterans Day Charity Drive
As many of you are aware, November 11th is an important day for this community. In many countries, this day represents a day of remembrance for those that sacrificed their lives to defend their country and their honor. In the United States, Veterans Day represents the day we all take time to honor those veterans that served for us in the military. This day is also the anniversary of the German signing of the Armistice for World War I.
For this special day, we are honoring our veterans by giving a portion of the proceeds on this day to the Paralyzed Veterans of America, chosen by The Chieftain.
Therefore, on November 11, 2011 between 00:00 UTC and 23:59 UTC, for each $14.95 gold bundle purchased, $5 will be donated. Likewise, for each $49.95 gold bundle purchased, $15 will be donated.
Even if you're unable to directly participate in this charity drive, we encourage you to share its details with your friends. Whether on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or face-to-face.
In addition to the charity drive, we would like to take this time to remember someone very close to the Wargaming America team.
The World of Tanks community recently lost a valued player and volunteer, Paul Moade. Mr. Moade served in the United States Army as a tank driver during the Vietnam War, and contributed a great deal to the World of Tanks community. Members of our moderation team created a video tribute to Mr. Moade to honor his service to the United States of America and the world at large. Please join us in paying tribute to Paul; you can view the video here.
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