World of Tanks news » Winners of the BT2/IS3 MVP
We set up two challenges for you last weekend, and you were only able to conquer one of them! Nobody was able to accomplish the BT 2 MVP challenge. Although, many of our players tried their best!
We would then like to congratulate those that were able to overcome the IS-3 MVP challenge. Be sure to congratulate these players if you see them in game!
- Mercof: 158.8 MVP points
- Faded: 135.8 MVP points
- CodeBickTNT: 128.1 MVP points
- MetalizeMerz: 113 MVP points
- Dominico092: 110.3 MVP points
Congratulations to all of you! Your gold should already be disbursed into your accounts.
0 comments21.06.2012 20:00:03
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