World of Tanks news » Tank Bumper Sticker Contest
We are announcing the next Creative contest for July, get your pencils, papers, tablets, and drawing programs ready! If you like drawing, and also wanted to design a bumper sticker for your tank, this is the contest for you!
Bumper stickers are usually composed of a simple drawing and a witty comment. We'll be looking for ones that could be read quickly and easily (no distractions while driving your tanks!). Creativity is a plus! Do your best to come up with a funny comment (or serious if you prefer) and a drawing to match.
- Bumper Stickers may be hand drawn or computer rendered
- Please keep the bumper stickers classy! No vulgarities or pornographic tendencies allowed.
- You have from now until July 27th, 11:59 PM PDT to submit your drawing (July 28th 6:59 AM UTC). Curious what time this is in your region? Use this handy Time Zone Converter to help you out.
What to send in:
- Send an email with 2 attachments: one showing the work in progress, and one showing the final image.
- Each attachment needs to be 2 MB or less in a common picture format (.jpg, png, bmp, etc..)
- "Bumper Sticker" in the subject line
- 2 attachments (one in progress, one final)
- Your in game name
- Email to:
Seeing our players have a keen eye, we will be posting out top choices and will have you vote for your top 5.
- 20000
- 16000
- 14000
- 12000
- 10000