World of Tanks news » Player Meetup: Orlando, FL, Mar 21
The Institute of Military Technology, more commonly known as the Knight Collection, is probably the world's premier collection of small arms, and one of the best collections of armored vehicles in the US. Not open to the general public, we have been invited to bring World of Tanks players to visit. It is located in Titusville, a little East of Orlando.
Yes, it's a Thursday morning, you may need to take the half-day off. Just the way our schedule worked out. Anyway, here's the spiel.
By 09:45, we will be out of our cars, and ready to tour. The tour will start at 10:00, and go on until lunchtime. As the collection isn't open to the public and they don't want people just dropping by, they have asked us not to publish the street address on this announcement. Instead, if you want in on this, please go to the forum thread and announce your desire to attend. We'll PM you the meet-up location.
See you there!