World of Tanks news » Help wanted: Washington DC area!
Greetings, DC area personnel! The_Chieftain here.
As you are doubtless aware, on occasion I swing by various archives looking for information. It is time for me to return to the National Archives II, to see what can be seen and find what can be found in scores of boxes like these.
However, I could do with a hand. I seek a volunteer. A veritable trooper, willing to sacrifice himself to a day or three of mind-numbing, menial tediousity, these duties to help me get through more boxes faster. There is a little money in it, but don't expect to be driving home in a Ferrari.
If you think you can find a little time to help out, the dates are looking like about 29-31 MAY, and 04JUN, and you can get to Archives II shortly after it opens until we get kicked out, then PM me your availability and put forth an argument as to why you should be the/one of the persons to come along!
If you're not picked, don't worry! The archives are available to everyone. You don't need us to go visit!