World of Tanks news » Gift Shop Packages, May 26 - 30
This is it! National Military Appreciation Month is coming to an end, our last set of Gift Shop Bundles for the month of May are sure to help you stock up on a variety of goods. See everything we're selling over the next couple of days below.
Bundles Begin: 23:00 PDT (02:00 EDT the following day) on May 26, 2013
Bundles End: 23:00 PDT (02:00 EDT the following day) on May 30, 2013
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Gift Shop Bundles, May 26 - 30
Quick Cash Bundle - $28.49
Just like it sounds, quick and cash filled for an easy boost to your operational funds. Use it to buy that new tank you've had your eye on, transfer a crew, or even just marvel at all the zeroes that crop up in your garage space once you click the purchase button.
Big Bucks Bundle - $52.99
You've got how many tanking problems? If you pick up this Big Bucks Bundle while the offer lasts, Credits and Gold wont be one!
UK Bundle - $10.69
The Matilda Black Prince is sure to bring you a top-notch performance on the battlefield with its rapid rate of fire and maneuverabilty. Pick up and extra 75k in credits with this package and you're definitely coming out ahead!
V Matilda Black Prince Garage Slot
US Bundle - $5.99
Speedy and exceptionally cool looking, the M22 Locust rarely disappoints. The extra 50k credits is just icing on the cake with this bundle.
III M22 Locust Garage Slot