World of Tanks news » Skirmish XXIII: One Shot for Karelia
Ready your fiercest nine-man crew for this week's tier VIII Skirmish. There are heaps of gold to be won, not to mention the bragging rights. See below for the latest details and roll out!
Registration Begins: June 12, 2013
Registration Ends: 16:00 PDT (19:00 EDT) on June 14, 2013
Skirmish XXIII
Team & Tier Limit Rules
With a maximum of nine players per team per battle (maximum 14 players registered), a team must field a selection of tanks based on tier limits listed below:
- Heavy: VIII
- Medium: VIII
- Tank Destroyer: VIII
- Light: V
- SPG: V
- 63 points maximum
Victory Conditions
- The winner of each round will be determined as the first to three victories on a given map
- Each battle will last 10 minutes
- The Standard battle mode will be used for this tournament
Rounds will start at 19:30 PDT (22:30 EDT) each scheduled day. Curious what time this is in your region? Use this handy Time Zone Converter to help you out.
- Round 1: June 17th
- Round 2: June 18th
- Round 3: June 19th
- Round 4: June 20th
- Round 5: June 21st
- Round 6: June 22nd
Expect a two minute break between battles for each round.
The following prizes will be given out to each member of the respective team
- 1st Place: 5,000
- 2nd Place: 2,000
- 3rd Place: 1,000
- 4th Place: 1,000
There will only be one map used for Skirmish XXIII: Karelia