League of Legends news:
In this edition of the Champion Spotlight, we’ll bring the merciless power of the Shadow Isles to bear as Elise, the Spider Queen. As an AP jungler, Elise excels at maneuvering around the map to set up sneaky ganks, whittling down enemies in human form before rappelling from the jungle in spider form for a skittering surprise. You’ll learn all about her abilities, sample runes and masteries, and tips and tricks that will leave your opponents ensnared in your web of deception.
We’re happy to announce that we’ve launched our latest addition to the Tribunal: The Justice Review
This feature is part of a large-scale experiment aimed at increasing voting accuracy and providing players with tangible feedback about their voting record and effectiveness. After taking a look at some of our initial results and listening to community feedback, we determined that there was room for improvement with the Justice Review, Halls of Justice and the Tribunal. Though we aren¢t quite ready to release the Halls of Justice, we¢ve implemented the following changes:
It’s a very special night, yes, I do declare!
The scent of pumpkin spices wafting through the air
Warms my nose and fills my veins with bubbly delight.
Come, Pix, fetch me my staff! For ‘tis Harrowing night
And we must add some whimsy amongst all the fright!
Candy bucket in hand, trick-or-treating we go—
Time to knock on neighbors’ doors and wish them hello!
- Our quest begins at a labyrinthine corn maze, where Spectral Fiddlesticks waits in a maize-y haze. I think he just wants to listen to our scared squeals. His candy’s no fun; it isn’t corporeal! 260 RP
- Round and round and round this spiral driveway we go, up to a fortified stone garrison abode! Dreadknight Garen trades Demacian shouts for sweets; just beware his hedges – spinning blades aren’t a treat. 487 RP
- Watch out for shrooms! They’re not just a seasonal prank: Super Teemo’s power is super-fear of ganks. Take care, don’t trip (no, not that kind) as you walk in. You don’t want to get caught in the crosshairs of his blowgun! 487 RP

- Crest of Honor - Honorable Opponent will now be displayed to the player and his teammates during champion select lobby and the loading screen.
- Fixed a bug where a player's Ranked Solo rating would be displayed before all of his provisional matches had been finished.
Since the release of Twisted Treeline, we’ve been paying close attention to your feedback on the map. While many of you are pretty passionate about 3v3 League of Legends, you’ve also shared thoughts on where there’s room for improvement. We want your 3v3 experience to be as fun as possible, so we’re launching a new, Beta version of Twisted Treeline in the next patch that reflects many of your suggestions. Still, there’s more we can learn from you, so be sure to continue posting your Beta feedback to the Twisted Treeline forums.
Do you feel that chill, summoner? That shivering sensation up and down your spine, inching ever-closer to your still beating heart? That is the feeling of running out of chips for our dead man’s party. I’d gallop over to the shop and retrieve new party provisions, but the damned are still arriving and I’ve been hitched to the door post to greet new guests.
More figures begin to appear in the distance, breaking through the dense fog. The party fervor has consumed them, compelling them to dine on delicious dips and cocktail concoctions.
- Perhaps our gracious host, Yorick, can head out to restock our diminishing party supplies. After all, it is his party! We may both swear allegiance to the Shadow Isles, but I shall be his pack mule no longer! 487 RP
- And if he believes that heading out in his Undertaker Yorick getup will help alleviate our lack of snacks, it will only serve to frighten the shopkeeper. 260 RP

Saturday the 13th was an incredible moment for everyone here, as we crowned our Season Two World Champions. Weve put together a video recap of the event which we hope you enjoy, and wed like to share a few interesting facts about the audience for the event:
With Season Two coming to an end on November 6, we want to recognize and honor all the players who courageously carried, stunned, ganked, and healed their way to Ranked play’s upper echelons. All players who completed Season Two in the Bronze tier and above will earn special rewards.
Elise, the Spider Queen, is poised and ready to unleash her horrific powers on the Fields of Justice. We spoke to some of the Rioters involved in bringing Elise to life and asked them about the challenges of arachnophobia, visual design, sound design, and what's so damn cool about transforming into a monstrous, man-eating spider. Here's the inside scoop on Elise from the developers behind this dangerous new champion.
Fire up your jetpack and deliver a devastating payload with Rocket Girl Tristana, a new skin for everyone’s favorite Megling Gunner. Rocket Girl Tristana explodes onto the scene sporting a new, hi-tech missile delivery system, full-body jumpsuit, and a stylish blast-resistant visor. New spell effects supercharge Tristana’s visuals, adding pulsing blue energy to her rocket launcher when she activates Rapid Fire and jetpack ignition when blasting off with Rocket Jump. This yordle makes it quite clear that she’s packing some serious heat.
Another patch is about ready to hit the Public Beta Environment, so it’s time to take an in-depth look at a few of the potential updates slated to hit the Fields of Justice. We won’t cover everything, and some of this is likely to change based on your feedback, but here’s what you can expect when you log into the PBE.
Welcome, stranger, to the Shadow Isles. Don’t be afraid: I know you mortals say this place chills your blood, but tonight, that’s just the dry ice. You see, in honor of the renewed interest in our haunting home, I’m hosting an informal gathering. You might even call it a, yes, dead man’s party.
Don’t run away! Those soft wisps you perceive around you are just some incorporeal guests arriving. Take care with what you say; just because they’re dead doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings.
In the distance, three distinctly solid silhouettes materialize out of the blanketing mist and begin striding toward Yorick.
Now the festivities are officially underway. Here, take this lantern and go welcome our latest trio of partygoers. I think you’ll find they’re just dying to meet you.
- For Maokai, coming here is almost a family reunion, being surrounded by so many spirited treants. 395 RP
- And with that Totemic Maokai attire, it appears that tonight he wishes to invoke some shamanic ritual to commune with them once more. 260 RP

We’re excited to announce ward skins, a new customization option that allows you to change the appearance of your Sight and Vision Wards on the Fields of Justice. In keeping with the season, these ward skins are inspired by the haunting guise of the Shadow Isles. Activating a ward skin will transform your wards into ghosts, spooky trees, spiders, creepy stone statues, or pumpkin-headed bats with their own unique visual effects, sounds, and animations.
As we venture deeper into the mysterious mists of the Shadow Isles, summoner icons are taking on some dreadful new facades. In celebration of the upcoming patch, we’ll be offering some sinister new summoner icons when you purchase RP. There are five icons to collect based on the total RP you purchase between October 1 and November 13. Your new summoner icons will be unleashed after the release of the Shadow Isles patch to haunt your profile forevermore.
Were excited to announce that a new version of Twisted Treeline is about to hit PBE, with a live Beta soon to follow. We've heard your feedback, and weve rebuilt Treeline to improve some of the areas you suggested. Heres a rundown of the major renovations to the map:
It was early in the morning when the first enthusiastic League of Legends fans turned out to line up for the World Finals at USC’s Galen Center in Los Angeles, California. By the time the doors opened, fans circled nearly the entire perimeter of the venue, ready to cheer on the showdown between the Taipei Assassins and Korea’s Azubu Frost.
This patch, we’ll welcome a champion with a lot of history into the League of Legends lineup: Elise, the Spider Queen. Originally concepted over three years ago, Elise proved to be a challenging champion to fully realize. Finally coming together as a transform champion, Elise has the ability to assume the form of either a regal mage or a deadly spider assassin.
Swear your allegiance to the Shadow Isles, summoners! Shrouded in mist and shadows, this mysterious land promises death for those brazen or unfortunate enough to make their way to its shores. Most who journey here never return, but a few are embraced by this strange place and seize unimaginable power. Among these terrifying forces is Elise, the Spider Queen.
- Twisted Fate has received a visual upgrade. Click here for more details.
The Golden Joystick Best MMO Award, now including MOBAs, will be handed out soon. Share your LoL love and vote for us to win! If we win the EU-based Golden Joystick, every EU player will receive a 10-win IP Boost.
Golden Joystick ends October 22nd, so vote now!
As we march to victory across Summoner’s Rift, I find myself at an impasse. My stalwart squad of determined champions has assembled to cross the river into enemy territory, but my blood boils and my grip tightens around my lance. I feel it in my bones – a dragon is near.
I cannot control my lust for spilling the blood of these nefarious creatures. Summoners, the charge has been called! We are to meet the dragon in his pit and slay him for glory, honor, and the gold he has hoarded away. If we manage to slay the dragon, you’ll reap the benefits of our prize.
- As the commander of this dragon-slaying party, I, Dragon Slayer Jarvan IV, shall put myself in harm’s way on the front lines. As Exemplar of Demacia, you’re always ready to slay a dragon or two. 487 RP
- Dragonslayer Vayne is up to the task, having been instrumental in many dicey dragon battles. This is one slayer who won’t tumble away from a challenge. 487 RP
- Bittersweet Lulu knows that you catch more yordles with cupcakes and slay more dragons with a buffed-up band of champions. Her bubbly personality hides a bloodlust usually reserved for the fiercest dragon hunters. She shows much promise. 487 RP

As Season Two comes to a spectacular conclusion, the competition is fiercer than ever. To commemorate every action-packed moment, we’ve outfitted Riven with a heavy suit of armor, new spell effects, and a recall animation befitting a truly determined contender. Championship Riven also brandishes her signature gigantic blade, now coursing with powerful blue energy, worthy of the Exile’s vigilance.
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It’s nearly time to crown the League of Legends Season Two World Champions. But no championship would be complete without a suitable trophy to commemorate the contest between all of these incredible competitors.
Mutants run amok! Giant Enemy Crabgot has been sighted terrorizing Demacia on a lustful rampage. Brave champions must take up arms to rid Valoran of this dangerous monstrosity.
Rrrrrraaaaaaghhhhhhhhh! Puny mortals! Weeeeeaaaaaaklings. All shall fall before the might of my claws! A watery death is the only escape for those that challenge Giant Enemy Crabgot!
- Volcanic Wukong brings his fire to the wrong fight! Extinnnnguuuuished! 487 RP
- Tingly little lightning barely singes me! My claws will crack Battlecast Xerath wide open. 260 RP
- Vandal Gragas’ feeble attempts to blast through my shell with watered-down booze are weak and pathetic. 487 RP