League of Legends news:
The Comic LoLz Contest winners are in. Altogether, over 3,000 summoners put their artistic and comedic prowess to the test, but over the past week (and no small number of beers), we’ve whittled them down to 32 winners. These entries dazzled us speechless, tickled us giddy, and made us weep mirthful tears. But don’t take our word for it. Have a look at the winners.
¡Bienvenidos, mis amores! Soy Tango Evelynn, and I’m looking for a partner with whom I can share la pasión de la danza. Twisted Fate landed with a twisted ankle after our last rehearsal session got a bit spiky—and I’m not referring to my scarlet stilettos. Now I desire a fiery partner who can match his grace, athleticism and raw power so we’ll dominate the dance floor con los pasos y caminetas.
- Fizz’s flippers are less than nimble, and I slide right off his scales en el abrazo. His aquatics may quench el fuego del tango, but you can take him for a spin at 487 RP.
- Xerath doesn’t even have a physical body for me to embrace, but with his energetic presence and my smooth shadow walk, there’s no denying our chemistry during el giro is simply electrifying! Feel his spark for 487 RP.
- To say Malphite is lead-footed is generous: he can barely keep up with me on the battlefield, let alone on the dance floor. Still, he’s a rock-solid partner when my whipping boleo gets out of hand. Lean on him for 292 RP.

We’ve got an amazing lineup of fan art, creations, and more awaiting your gaze on this episode of the Summoner Showcase.
Welcome to this week’s Pro Player Pick, where we feature one of the best League of Legends players discussing his favorite champion.
¡Bienvenidos, mis amores! Soy Tango Evelynn, and I’m looking for a partner with whom I can share la pasión de la danza. Twisted Fate landed with a twisted ankle after our last rehearsal session got a bit spiky—and I’m not referring to my scarlet stilettos. Now I desire a fiery partner who can match his grace, athleticism and raw power so we’ll dominate the dance floor con los pasos y caminetas.
- Fizz’s flippers are less than nimble, and I slide right off his scales en el abrazo. His aquatics may quench el fuego del tango, but you can take him for a spin at 487 RP.
- Xerath doesn’t even have a physical body for me to embrace, but with his energetic presence and my smooth shadow walk, there’s no denying our chemistry during el giro is simply electrifying! Feel his spark for 487 RP.
- To say Malphite is lead-footed is generous: he can barely keep up with me on the battlefield, let alone on the dance floor. Still, he’s a rock-solid partner when my whipping boleo gets out of hand. Lean on him for 292 RP.

Today, a new breed of predator arrives on the Fields of Justice: Kha’Zix, the Voidreaver. Adapt, evolve, and overcome your enemies with this terrifying assassin!
For the launch of League of Legends in Turkey, Tryndamere is shedding his barbarian armor for a more traditional Turkish wardrobe. Sultan Tryndamere comes equipped with Turkish garb, a new model, a new critical hit animation, and a Turkish-inspired, ornate scimitar that kicks up dust as it drags on the ground. Best of all, Sultan Tryndamere has meticulously trimmed his moustache for a more distinguished rampage.
In this Champion Spotlight you’ll learn just how deadly Kha’Zix can be when quickly engaging and assassinating isolated foes. We’ll be focusing our abilities, runes, masteries, and evolutions on maximizing burst damage to rack up fast kills, relying on speed and stealth for survival. Check out the video to get a closer look at the Voidreaver’s massive ambush potential.
To accompany Soraka’s upgraded look in the upcoming patch, we’ve created a Champion Spotlight featuring her new model, effects, and animations. Whether you’re a Soraka veteran or new to her gameplay, check out the video to learn more about the Starchild.
- Kha'Zix will be released at a later date, pending completion of testing on the PBE.
Summoners, I have a dilemma – my boar, Bristle, has gone home to the tundra for vacation while I have stayed the course on the Fields of Justice, and I miss him terribly. What is the Darkrider without her ride? Her faithful companion? It˘s been a whole 20 minutes since I˘ve uploaded an adorable picture of him to Facebook. I long for battle, summoners, but this lull in the fight has already taken its toll. Let me get straight to the point – I am bored. Bristle was always the one to suggest what to do on a Saturday night, or take me to the trendiest restaurants in the Freljord, or know which taverns have the best happy hours, shoe shopping, which lane to gank…
Find me a companion while Bristle is away with his adorable boar family. Cure me of this languishing boredom at any cost and we˘ll see about saving you some cold, hard RP on whoever doesn˘t make the cut.
- Volibear is an excellent substitute for my Bristle, yet he has a strict “no-riding” policy. As the Darkrider, I cannot fight my natural urge to ride atop powerful beasts. 487 RP.
- Xin Zhao is strong and persevering – a true warrior. But I fear his darting around from foe to foe would cause him to quickly lose interest in the conversation. 487 RP.
- Brand is made of fire. As the Winter˘s Wrath, I decline on principle. 487 RP.

Summoners, I have a dilemma – my boar, Bristle, has gone home to the tundra for vacation while I have stayed the course on the Fields of Justice, and I miss him terribly. What is the Darkrider without her ride? Her faithful companion? It˘s been a whole 20 minutes since I˘ve uploaded an adorable picture of him to Facebook. I long for battle, summoners, but this lull in the fight has already taken its toll. Let me get straight to the point – I am bored. Bristle was always the one to suggest what to do on a Saturday night, or take me to the trendiest restaurants in the Freljord, or know which taverns have the best happy hours, shoe shopping, which lane to gank…
Find me a companion while Bristle is away with his adorable boar family. Cure me of this languishing boredom at any cost and we˘ll see about saving you some cold, hard RP on whoever doesn˘t make the cut.
- Volibear is an excellent substitute for my Bristle, yet he has a strict “no-riding” policy. As the Darkrider, I cannot fight my natural urge to ride atop powerful beasts. 487 RP.
- Xin Zhao is strong and persevering – a true warrior. But I fear his darting around from foe to foe would cause him to quickly lose interest in the conversation. 487 RP.
- Brand is made of fire. As the Winter˘s Wrath, I decline on principle. 487 RP.

With the upcoming launch of Honor, our positive feedback initiative, we took the time to catch up with some of today’s most level-headed and competitively successful pro players in the League of Legends scene.
Follow us this week as we get inside the heads of the world’s best from Team Solo Mid, Azubu Frost and CLG.eu. It takes more than raw skill to dominate in today’s competitive scene, and these players have the composure, leadership and drive it takes to give everyone around them a winning edge.
We’re pleased to announce that the Low Elo community is our newest featured streamer! In early 2012, Low Elo was formed with the goal of bringing together summoners of all ranks and skill levels to battle it out and raise the bar on sportsmanship. Low Elo regularly streams community events such as 5v5 drafts and Proving Grounds custom matches, as well as their own brand of game modes like All Random All Zeal (“ARAZ”) which are every bit as fun and hectic as they sound. Low Elo also boasts a full roster of veteran and up-and-coming casters pulled from the community to keep you informed about all the on-stream action. If you’re looking for some League of Legends commentary, discussion, and extra fun, Low Elo’s podcast can scratch your audio itch.
The Fields of Justice are about to get even more dangerous, as KhaZix, the Voidreaver arrives to claim his place at the top of the food chain. KhaZixs evolution gameplay influenced his entire design, from the abilities down through art, animation, voice, and story. To learn more about this apex predator, we caught up with some of the Rioters that helped make him a reality.
- David Volty Abecassis (Champion Designer)
- Steven Socratocracy Clay (Associate QA Analyst)
- Alex CaptainLx Lehman (Senior Animator)
- Jon 20thCenturyFaux Herlache (Associate Creative Designer)
- Josh Huge and Fast Smith (Associate Concept Artist)
The players from DominateDominion.com are now featured live on the streamer portal. There, you’ll also find their streaming schedule, so you can check them out any time and even join their weekly Dominion tournaments.
Our Season Two World Championship website is now live! The site is your one stop shop for the juicy details for all things Season Two Worlds.
The Fields of Justice are about to get even more dangerous, as KhaZix, the Voidreaver arrives to claim his place at the top of the food chain. KhaZixs evolution gameplay influenced his entire design, from the abilities down through art, animation, voice, and story. To learn more about this apex predator, we caught up with some of the Rioters that helped make him a reality.
- David Volty Abecassis (Champion Designer)
- Steven Socratocracy Clay (Associate QA Analyst)
- Alex CaptainLx Lehman (Senior Animator)
- Jon 20thCenturyFaux Herlache (Associate Creative Designer)
- Josh Huge and Fast Smith (Associate Concept Artist)
This week we’re continuing to reduce prices on classic champions to bring you more affordable options at Champion Select. If you’ve got some RP in the bank, you’ll be pleased to know that we’re slashing RP costs on Swain, Trundle, Rammus, and Kassadin. Whether you prefer top, mid, or jungle, you can save some cash when you add any of these awesome champions to your roster.
Over the past few months, League of Legends fans around the world have experienced thrilling matches and exciting developments within the competitive scene. With Season Two coming to a close, the World Championship is set to deliver the most electrifying experience yet. The top twelve teams from five regions will battle it out in Los Angeles, California from October 4-6 and October 13 to determine the best League of Legends team in the world and to decide who will take home the lion’s share of the $2,000,000 prize pool.
It’s coming up on that time of year when we don our lederhosen and gather around that first keg of the season for a little mid-autumn pick me up. Well this year, Oktoberfest isn’t just a bit of sport for summoners, because Gragas has arrived and he’s brought the barrel. Wearing his finest leather pants and sporting a traditional Bavarian hat, this is one Rabble Rouser that’s decked out and ready to drink you under the table, scrub!
Welcome to this week’s edition of Pro Player Picks, where we feature some of the best League of Legends players discussing their champions of choice.
The life of a champion is challenging, grueling, and dangerous. Every day we champions face injury, trauma, disease, mental anguish, and death (again and again). When confronting so many instruments of destruction, champions are often clueless as to what, specifically, caused their everyday ailments and how to fix them. Luckily, I, Kennen M.D., am here to deftly diagnose and surgically strike against each and every affliction.
Before you think about joining the League, let these stories of suffering serve as a reminder: this battle is not for the faint-hearted. Champions suffer cruel twists of fate on and off the Field. I am putting these patients on sale, so you may hear their stories and heed their warnings.
- Bloodfury Renekton’s blinding red rage has led to rabid (literally) rumors. After diagnostic testing, it seems his rage originates from a severe toothache caused by ingesting too many minions. Take him to a dentist for 487 RP.
- Sakura Karma, devastated by the guilt of kill-stealing from her fellow champion, Warwick, is questioning her commitment to the champions’ code of honor and has fallen into a deep depression. Karma did, in fact, run over her dogma. Help her reconcile her guilt for 260 RP.
- Sailor Gangplank has been suffering severe flatulence. After a diligent dietary survey, I’ve concluded his high intake of spinach used to combat the dangers of scurvy has led to gastrointestinal distress. Perhaps you can help adjust his dietary regimen for 487 RP.

As the season nears a close, Korea will be sending their top two teams to represent their region at the Season Two World Championships in October.