League of Legends news:
With the Season Two World Championship only a month away, teams all over the globe are battling to secure a spot to represent their region. On September 8th 7:40PM Pacific (September 9th 4:40 CEST), five teams – one from Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia – will compete in the Southeast Asia Regionals in Vietnam. The team placing first at this tournament will advance to the World Playoffs in Los Angeles in October.
We know that you love watching League of Legends almost as much as you love getting down and dirty on the Fields of Justice. Watching streams gives valuable insight into every level of players’ strategies as well as commentary on the flow of the game, all without the stress of trying what you just learned against the competition. It helps that some of the most entertaining and passionate League of Legends players like Scarra, Ocelote and Guardsman Bob, stream and teach by example while showing off strats or just having some random good times. With many players being exposed to League of Legends streaming for the first time, as well as a growing community of players acting as paragons of the Summoner’s Code, the need for a dedicated place to showcase these players’ efforts is greater than ever.
Who dares brave passage through the gates?! Be warned, fool. Many have walked the path beneath your feet, but you will find precious few who make the return journey. Through this gate lies the underworld, a vast expanse filled with nightmarish creatures beyond your puny mortal comprehension. In this harrowed place the bold shall become meek, and the mighty shall be laid low. Most go mad upon stepping across the threshold into the darkness. Horror and untimely death are all that await those arrogant enough to shirk my warning and cross before their time!
Here are just a few of those impudent enough to dismiss my warning, yours to ransom for a reduced fee.
- Pharaoh Nasus was insolent enough to think that he might hold dominion over death. There is no majesty in my home, dog, only a visceral expanse of unthinkable agony! You can make him master of your pyramid for 487 RP.
- Commando Garen believed himself brave enough to face what lies beyond the portal. Not even courage can save a man face-to-face with the inevitability of death. Test his resolve in the mortal realm for 487 RP.
- Wicked LeBlanc thought she was more devious than the beings that dwell within my realm. The dead are not to be trifled with, Deceiver. They do not bandy words with a silver-tongued pretender who fancies herself their mistress! Ply her trade elsewhere for 487 RP.

Counter Logic Gaming vs. Curse Gaming
For the opening match of the North American Regionals, Curse Gaming faced off against CLG in an epic grudge match with everything on the line. With the winner securing their position in the Season Two World Playoffs in addition to a guaranteed salary for their entire team in the upcoming Championship Series in Season Three, both teams brought everything they had to win the most important games of their lives.
As if the stakes weren’t high enough, the teams have a famous rivalry that’s been a year in the making. Both Crs Elementz and Crs Saintvicious used to play for CLG, the latter clashing with CLG's captain HotshotGG so badly he was kicked from the team. Now in a best of three showdown that decided the fate of their team's careers, both junglers held nothing back in their attempt to prove their dominance.
Jungle ganked on the job? Support not carrying your team? Hit-and-run by a Teemo mushroom? I’m Gragas, Esq. and I’m a lawyer… *hic* and I’ll fight for you! My champion clients… hold on…
Myyyy champion clients can tell you – ol’ Gragas, Esq. fights and wins your case, no matter what! Just listen to these testimonials and save some RP on my favorite clients:
- Bilgewater Katarina: Aye, Gragas, Esq. sprung me from lockup after I gave a few of my enemies an acute case of death. 487 RP
- Noxus Hunter Anivia: Caw caw! I used to be a real cry-o-phoenix until Gragas, Esq. won my workplace injury lawsuit and I was able to buy this sweet new armor with the settlement money. 260 RP
- Molten Rammus: Gragas, Esq. ok. Money ok. 487 RP
Look at all that glowing praise! If you’ve been in an accident or the unfortunate victim of collateral AoE damage, you have the right to representation, and I’m the biggest representation you can get! Ha ha! Where’s my brandy? *hic*

The enormous talent of the League of Legends community shines through in all of the awesome fan creations, songs, and art that you send us every day. Sometimes, a community member puts forth an idea that excites players and inspires a reality. In MaTTcom’s case, it was two fully-realized skin splash arts that got the community jazzed - Pool Party Ziggs and AstroNautilus. These two skins are indicative of the power and creativity of our community and now they’re ready for some end-of-summer fun.
As the summer season winds down and pool parties aren’t as prevalent as before, we’re looking for more ways to stay in the summer spirit.
With PAX Prime around the corner, it seemed like the right time to celebrate the gamer in all of us. Arcade Sona offers an old-school gaming perspective on support with her arcade control panel (complete with joysticks), chiptune sound effects, and a colorful rainbow spectrum model. With her new arcade-inspired spell effects, including an ultimate that will make your enemies dance-dance, Arcade Sona will get you in the game.
Tickets are now on sale for the Season Two World Championship, and with the largest prize purse in eSports history on the line, the stakes have never been higher. Beginning October 4, the top League of Legends teams from all across the globe will collide in Los Angeles, California, to compete for a $2 million prize purse. When the smoke clears at the USC Basketball Arena, one team will be crowned Season Two World Champion!

Another Summoner Showcase, another chance to witness the pure creative energies of summoners worldwide! We’ve got an impressive showing this week, so click play already!
The world has gone dark. Cities have fallen to a fistful of dust. Society has crumbled into chaos. I have seen the weak perish without food, water, or weapons. The end is now. And so, you too shall end without the aid of stronger allies. Dare not tread these ruined roads alone.
Mercenaries, perhaps? I have rallied these stalwart fighters to my side. Without guardians, you will suffer the inferno in isolation. With them, you may survive. These hired guns will fight for you, for a price. They can be yours with this FIRE . . . sale.
- Battlecast Urgot continues his pattern of apocalyptic destruction. His impenetrable exterior is immune to the devastating heat and radiation. He’ll lead your caravan for 487 RP.
- Tribal Ryze is well-equipped for a world void of civilization. He requires little to thrive, but will cost you 260 RP.
- Only the strong can survive. You’ll need Executioner Mundo to put an end to clinging parasites. His axe will be yours for 487 RP.
We’re closing in on the Season Two World Championship, and with the largest prize purse in eSports history on the line, the stakes have never been higher. Beginning October 4, the top League of Legends teams from all across the globe will collide in Los Angeles, California, to compete for a $2 million prize purse. When the smoke clears at the USC Basketball Arena, one team will be crowned Season Two World Champion!
The League of Legends North American Regionals at PAX Prime are now live! As Season Two nears a close, top teams must battle to represent their region in the World Championship. This week’s event sees fierce competition in North America as Team SoloMid, Counter Logic Gaming, Dignitas, Curse, TSM.Evo, and more battle it out in Seattle, Washington for over $150,000 in prizes and the honor of competing on behalf of their region in the Season Two World Playoffs in Los Angeles.
The Season Two North American Regionals site is now live! Eight of the top North American teams will battle head-to-head at PAX Prime, with the top three teams advancing to the World Championship in Los Angeles, California. Don’t miss a second of the action in Seattle, Washington from August 30th through September 2nd!
Top teams from the Challenger Circuit Standings including Team SoloMid, Counter Logic Gaming, Dignitas, Curse, others will compete for $150,000 in prizes, the chance at Season Two glory, and the security of a professional eSports career in the upcoming Championship Series in Season Three. Live streamed matches will be casted by our very own commentators Phreak, RivingtonThe3rd, RiotJatt, and RiotJaws.
Summoners, you must listen to me. I’ve come from a tumultuous time filled with creatures and technology the likes of which you’ve never seen! I only return now to help safeguard our world against the terrors of an uncertain future.
*** Ezreal, my calculations show that our temporal jump only occurred because you misclicked on the … ***
Computer! Now is not the time for diagnostic…
*** Do you know how many diagnostics I had to run after that jump? If only you allowed me to access one of the many maps in my database… ***
I’m starting to think returning to the past might not have been the wisest move…
*** Ezreal, we can augment champions during this time to protect Valoran in the future. If you listen to my advice this time, I won’t reveal your bookmarks from my onboard Pulsefire web browser. ***
I’m never living this down! Let’s see which of these champions we can outfit with some upgrades to save Valoran from its terrible fate!
- Ugh, Noxians. I hate Noxians. Darius might not be… agreeable… to me, but believe it – the future’s worse. 487 RP
- Urgot might take some work. Zaunites use a different type of outlet than my thermal reactor’s fusion core. Does anyone have an adapter? 487 RP
- I brought Jax into the armory and he refuses to select a real weapon! Who knew you could do so much damage with a Pulsefire can opener? 292 RP
The MLG Summer Championship Raleigh is live! Twelve teams will be duking it out in North Carolina for $40,000 in prize money and a chance to secure their spots at the Season Two North American Regionals at PAX. Some of your favorite teams - including Monomaniac Ferus, Dignitas, Curse, Dynamic, MTW.na, Orbit Gaming and TSM Evo - are throwing down the gauntlet and setting the stage for the North American Regionals. Catch all of the action from August 24th through 26th!
MLG Raleigh is the last chance for teams to qualify for the Season Two Regionals and gain Challenger Circuit points to earn a higher seed at the tournament. Expert shoutcasting will be provided by RiotJaws and RiotJatt so you’re never out of the loop.
On the final day of the European Regionals, Counter Logic Gaming Europe/FnaticRaidCall and Moscow Five/SK Gaming played the most important League of Legends matches of their professional gaming careers. With entry to the Season Two Championship as well as the Season Three Pro Series, the teams were playing to change their lives forever.
I have seen them! I have seen the strange creatures that lurk in the deeps. There are perils from an unseen world stirring in the dark. You don’t believe me? What do you mean, “professional help?” Silence! You fools. **** YOU! **** YOUR EYES!
You don’t know what awaits you, summoners. I have witnessed things beyond your comprehension. Down there in the depths there are beings so horrifying that they will haunt your nightmares. I have seen… A SALE! A sale filled with such terrors that even the bravest of men must look upon it and save.
You too will understand savings as I have. Beware... the sale beckons!
- The ruins of many lost civilizations litter the roiling sands of the ocean floor. Within the blasted husk of his shattered city lives Atlantean Fizz, the last of his kind. He can be yours for a mere 487 RP.
- Deep under the waters of a secluded and terrifying lake sleeps the ravenous Loch Ness Cho’Gath. Who knows what horrors await should he ever stir again? Awaken his hunger for 487 RP.
- Down in the darkest fathoms of the ocean lives the terrible and strange Deep Sea Kog’Maw. His rows of dagger-like teeth and noxious bile are enough to leave any explorer forever changed. Tame this horrifying beast for 487 RP.
Don your Bonetooth Necklace, sharpen your claws, and stand alert to your enemies’ presence. Now it’s time to take control and prowl through the jungle, pounce from the brush, and hunt the most fearsome prey in all of Valoran as Rengar, the Pridestalker!
In order to bring a ruthless hunter like Rengar to life, the designers had to fuse every aspect of champion design into a predatory experience that feels as ferocious as the champion himself. Getting players inside Rengar’s head for the primal hunt was the biggest challenge in his creation. What began as a tricky proposition eventually became a compelling champion with an ultimate ability that sums up the brutal and methodical Rengar playstyle.
Silence! You are in the presence of Lord Darius, High Commander of the Grand Noxian Army and protector of the most powerful nation in Valoran. None shall oppose me, for the dreadful fate of Noxian justice shall befall them!
I have heard the reports from the East. That fool, Commando Jarvan IV, is mustering forces for his “elite” commandos. Never shall the forces of Noxus be outmatched by Demacian scum. My Crimson Elite shall bolster its ranks and meet this Demacian threat head-on and defend our glorious homeland! Approach, champions, to be judged worthy of joining the Noxian Crimson Elite.
- Is this a joke, Taric? The Crimson Elite application clearly states that your uniform include red and gold. Unacceptable. Try once more. 292 RP.
- Ah, Ezreal. You have great power in that trinket you wear. You do not, however, embody the true essence of Noxus. Blonde, really? Leave my hallowed halls! 487 RP.
- Who brought this disgusting beast Trundle before me? I prefer my abominations monstrous and gruesome. I will not be trolled! 487 RP.