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League of Legends news » New Skins and Fiora Bundles in the Upcoming Patch!

An agile new champion has lunged into the League of Legends! And along with this deft duelist, we have a bold new look for your favorite Lady of Clockwork!

Fiora Bundles

Fiora, the Grand Duelist, has arrived in the League of Legends. Cunning and nimble this lithe new champion is adept at punishing enemies with fast, relentless strikes and lightning-fast counter-attacks. For her ultimate, Fiora darts around the battlefield devastating multiple enemy champions with a series of blows in rapid succession.

If you’re looking for a more classic take on this master of the blade, then Royal Guard Fiora might be just your type. On the other hand, if you think that no duelist would be truly battle-ready without a set of sleek, form-fitting body armor, you’ll definitely want to check out Nightraven Fiora.

Nightraven Fiora Bundle

If you’re ready for a darker take on the Grand Duelist, then you’ll be pleased to know you can pick up Nightraven Fiora at 50% off in the Nightraven Fiora Bundle!
- Fiora Champion + Nightraven Fiora (Normally 1950 RP) will be only 1462 RP

Fiora Double Bundle

Of course, if you’re a true swordplay enthusiast, one skin may not be enough. For those with a true affinity for brandished blades we’ve assembled the Fiora Double Bundle.

- Fiora Champion + Nightraven Fiora + Royal Guard Fiora (Normally 2925 RP) will be only 1950 RP

As with all our champion bundles, these fantastic deals will be taking a dirt nap at the end of the weekend following the patch. Be sure to seize this opportunity to pick up these awesome Fiora skins at reduced prices.

Bladecraft Orianna

If you were looking for an intense new take on Orianna, the Lady of Clockwork, look no further than Bladecraft Orianna. Featuring some Victorian inspired femme fatale attire along with a whole host of wicked looking blades, this is one skin that’s truly on the cutting edge!

And remember that we also reduced the prices of some of our Season One champions earlier this week, starting with Irelia and Miss Fortune.

We’ll see you on the battlefield, summoners!

0 comments01.03.2012 02:00:03
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