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League of Legends news » August sales schedule

Check out all the champs and skins on sale this August! Like previous sales schedules, we’re not posting the exact dates for each champ and skin, but they’ll all be on sale sometime next month.

Just a heads up – since we’re publishing these in advance, we won’t offer partial refunds on champs and skins purchased before they go on sale.

Regularly Scheduled Sales:

Champion Sale Price (RP) Skin Sale Price (RP)
Aatrox 487 Ashen Lord Aurelion Sol 675
Azir 487 Aviator Irelia 260
Bard 487 Battle Bunny Riven 487
Blitzcrank 395 Beast Hunter Sejuani 375
Camille 487 Bilgewater Swain 260
Corki 395 Black Belt Udyr 260
Draven 440 Blood Moon Elise 487
Ezreal 440 Blood Moon Kalista 487
Fizz 440 Captain Fortune 487
Gangplank 395 Chemtech Tryndamere 487
Heimerdinger 395 Debonair Vi 375
Ivern 487 Definitely Not Vel'Koz 375
Karma 395 Divine Soraka 487
Kennen 440 Dragon Sorceress Zyra 675
Kled 487 Dragonslayer Xin Zhao 675
Lucian 487 Dynasty Ahri 487
Lulu 440 El León Gnar 375
Nidalee 395 Elderwood Bard 487
Olaf 395 Frosted Ezreal 260
Ornn 487 Full Metal Rammus 487
Pantheon 395 Galactic Nasus 260
Quinn 487 Guqin Sona 487
Rakan 487 King of Clubs Mordekaiser 375
Renekton 440 Lumberjack Sion 260
Rengar 440 Minuteman Gangplank 260
Shen 395 Nightraven Fiora 375
Shyvana 395 Pentakill Yorick 487
Skarner 440 Pool Party Mundo 487
Syndra 440 Prestigious LeBlanc 260
Taliyah 487 Royal Shaco 260
Talon 440 Runeguard Volibear 487
Twitch 395 Sandstorm Ekko 487
Urgot 395 Star Guardian Poppy 675
Vayne 440 Surfer Singed 487
Xayah 487 Tundra Fizz 375
Zac 487 Warring Kingdoms Nidalee 487

Early Sales

Skin Price (RP) Sale Price (RP)
Dark Star Jarvan IV 1350 975
Bullet Angel Kai'Sa 1350 975
Resistance Illaoi 1350 975
Gun Goddess Miss Fortune 2775 1820
Birdio 975 750
Pizza Delivery Sivir 1350 975

Emote Sales

Emote Price (RP) Sale Price (RP)
Angry Kitten 350 175
Hoppin Mad 350 175
M'Pengu 350 175
Peace Poro 350 175
Salutations 350 175
Scout-Approved 350 175
0 comments19.07.2018 21:00:02
← Prev news: It’s time for July bundles!

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