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League of Legends news » Summoner Showcase #89: PAX-a-palooza

We’ve got an amazing lineup of fan art, creations, and more awaiting your gaze on this episode of the Summoner Showcase.

Baron Ear Plugs, Ziggs Sculpture

Skychild’s awesome Ziggs sculpture looks like he should be kept away from any and all things flammable. Dude’s got fuses just waiting to be lit. If explosions aren’t your forte, maybe Baron Nashor hanging from your earlobes might be more your style. Don’t listen to his whispers of “come fight me; your enemies are all the way on the other side of the map,” because Baron’s a low-down, dirty liar.

Nidalee Cosplay

Tasha’s spot-on Nidalee is fearsome and intimidating. In fact, Tasha’s cosplay is so on-point that I can already hear the spears flying in my direction. Excellent work!

Croissant-raka Collaboration

This artistic collaboration between ShowMeYourMoves, Antares69, and Phenoca brings pastries into the starlight and introduces a flakey, delicious style befitting the Starchild. Does Soraka understand how important her ability to throw crescent-shaped food items is?

Teemo Urban Art

Teemo’s iconic mushrooms threaten city dwellers in Aver0k’s portraits of everyone’s favorite yordle. If I were walking down the street and stumbled on a Teemo mushroom, there would be mild profanity.

Nocturne Wire Art

Chimz2011 impresses with his wire Nocturne sculpture. I was inspired to make a similar sculpture. Now there’s a huge pile of bent paper clips. I think we need more paper clips.

Runaway Bride Mundo

MaTTcom and Tabnir, two amazing community fan artists, both created splash concepts for Runaway Bride Mundo, perhaps one of the wackier skin ideas we’ve ever seen. The dress fits wonderfully, and Mundo looks positively radiant on his big day.

PAX Cosplay

Check out all of these amazing costumes from the League of Legends North American Regionals at PAX this year! Yes, there’s a person in the boar costume.

Send in your submissions to us at and check out the next episode to see if your radical creations get featured!

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