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League of Legends news » Summoner Showcase #94: Game Life Can Be Real Life

Summoners, fire up your rocket-grabs, ‘cuz we’re ready to serve up fantastic fan art, creative cosplay, and more from the community that dares to deliver in this edition of the Showcase.

Blitzcrank Sculpture:

Imaii’s in-your-face take on Blitzcrank’s signature move is kiln-fired up and sure to rocket-grab your attention. Don’t get too distracted by this sculpted Steam Golem or that Power Fist knock-up will leave you down for the count.

Papercraft Trio:

It turns out that death-dealing ninja warriors don’t like it when you take their deadly kama away, as DeathlyScythe discovered while creating this trio of paper cut-outs. Likewise, a nine-tailed fox isn’t nearly as tempting so long as you keep her at braid-length. With that swift tailwind, who would’ve thought you could catch Janna’s coat-tails?

Summoner’s Rift Chessboard:

Add some League of Legends spice to your next tabletop gaming night with Magadoo’s incredibly detailed Summoner’s Rift sculpted chessboard. Your knights, rooks, bishops, and pawns traverse the board suspended above your favorite lanes. Take care you don’t lose a queen to Dragon or get checkmated by Baron Nashor!

Ice-etched Jayce:

Eepic, inSaNeosilum, and ixb1oodwolfxi etched Piltover’s famous tinkerer into the ice board where they craft their own inventions out of ice cream and candy.

Nautilus animation gets deep:

Sometimes, carrying a half-ton steel hook can be a bit tiring. In this animation, NeroGeist shares the Titan’s deepest thought.

Caitlyn Cosplay:

With his amazing take on Caitlyn cosplay, Wolfenizer takes aim at the convention that only women can suit up as Piltover’s finest.

A Legendary Wardrobe:

Walk down the Runeterran runway every day with arisaaa’s League-inspired outfits. With dozens of ideas to get you started, why not try out your favorite champ’s fashion for a day?

Demacian Portraits:

Get recruited by BeanBean’s series of “Join Demacia” portraits. The hyper-stylized textures and eye-popping color make it seem always that much sunnier in Valoran’s grand city-state. Where do I sign up?

Don’t forget to send your very own creations to the Summoner Showcase at and watch for your submissions in the next episode!

0 comments07.12.2012 07:00:05
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