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World of Tanks news » Wargaming America Tank Company, May 18



We are organizing another Tank Company Event. May has been a busy month, so we haven't been able to do as many of these events as we'd have liked, but it's finally time!

This time around we're going to try something new; we're going to be livestreaming from our World of Tanks Twitch TV channel.

Here are the details:

On May 18, 2012 we will form a Medium tank company beginning at 3:00PM PDT (6:00PM EDT; 22:00 UTC) and will queue for three hours, until 6:00PM PDT (9:00PM EDT; 1:00 UTC).

Curious what time this is in your region? Use this handy Time Zone Converter to help you out.

Steel yourselves to face off against members of the Wargaming America Community and Support teams, as well as our fantastic moderation and community contributor teams!

If you manage to defeat us, every member of your tank company will receive 400. If we defeat you, every member of your tank company will receive 200. If the battle ends in a draw, no gold will be disbursed!

0 comments18.05.2012 00:00:04
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