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World of Tanks news » Presenting the Keep Calm & Carry On Winners


Thank you to everyone who gave it their all during the Keep Calm & Carry On Event. As you can see from the extensive list below, we've got a lot of winners which means plenty of good news for some skilled tankers out there. They'll be receiving some part of the 1,300 prizes to these lucky winners. See all of the details below.

The top two winners for each tank, if they already posses a Type 59 or Type 62, will instead be credited an equivalent amount of gold. Type 59 or 7,500, Type 62 or 4,800

Please keep in mind that the XP totals are raw totals and do not include any bonuses (Premium Account, first victory bonus, etc.) All data for the totals were pulled directly from the game logs between the specified dates. No screen shots or replays were necessary to be considered for entry.

Congratulations to all of our winners! By the way, the fastest way to find your name is to press Ctrl + F and enter your name.

Keep Calm & Carry On Results

Final Result for II Universal Carrer QF 2-pdr

I place — SaVaGee with 1,276 XP —Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 1,000

II place — 2001ws6ta with 1,253—Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  1,000

III place — Kuroialty 1,246 —Reward: One month Premium account + 1,000

   These players earned at least 911 XP and will be rewarded with 1,000
Independent, 098MSP, PoLLiToP, ToeTag23, nord5017, HOUDINI2, DragonDraro, trovao, DHanson865, ___IgorRusian___, Jesse_the_Scout, El_Guapo_Gringo, kTFAegis, Tirithian, truecanuck, Canaduck, THE_RED_MENACE, Arrowfoot, MetalChurch, Lions_Den, Nordlicht1971, Darkstar5, SoldmySoul, Jun00006, ratseal, Shtirlitz, polka, 6722, Leber, CliffyB86, gagarinman, Smashandbounce, xWonderx, georgewashington1775, Tomahawker, Jugglys, _M_S_S_, marciotpb, warmturret, zhangjiabiao, hombre_tatoso, Sgt_Lerch, imoody12, RSH427R, gosha, Darthfedor, dom700, mrphill, Straxxx, RicksBane, Clickenhof, Elbow, Jagernaught, WickedWitchotW, JDBanjoman, Wencit_of_Rum, whariwharangi, Kasrkin, Deitz343, SuaSponte, Grimmreaper09, Captohara, LightningCount, lonewolff1953, Anthonybenno, Mote44, FailNoobTeamNinjaMaster, Strongtower, HeroVato, drnviper, Zakaladas, Boohobooho, Tha_Hitman, DBF, RudeCalling, RuTo, Ashi420, arrrgh, sterveh, Trubil, GeneralHeinz, Dutchedy, ColeMinor, Jsmooth, 1widow_maker, Luminous2269, jgdred, KSK_ALTAY, Poodlesavior, Donut64, VariaVespasa, Pontos99, GdC_daddy, PhuleW, SwampRatKill, reaverlee, More_Cow_Bell

Final Results for III Valentine AT

I place — GunKata with 1,392 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 1,000

II place — Puronantys with 1,310 XP — Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  1,000

III place — ScoutCub with 1,305 XP — Reward: One month Premium Account + 1,000

These players earned at least 1,022 XP and will be rewarded with 1,000
Honor_Harrington, kachusya, TofuBlaster, ShadowsBan3, SaVaGee, PredatorBMQ9, whariwharangi, Gonzee, flintt, PebbleCrusher, CelticGearHead, aldryn, Jazz28, crovaxthecursed, BiggerThanB, Lisias, Cootie, coconut2011, FlatulentGerbil, Bootknife, smallrock98, Jugglys, nanotanker, LargeGar, shoshui, Tomahawker, COFFIN__FILLER, Cuth, hecallop, Vipersnake, asafn, H57, melodar, Corylus, shadowhawkeye, Rengtang, TehWalshie, BigDaddy29, gosha, Karithian, shazammer, Dangerous_Max, W4RM0NG3R, Cheesball, lee_christmas, MHE_XPEHOBO, ThePizzaGuy, bludsaber, munos, heavymetal1967, DIMABELARUS, open617, _Tango, spacecadetzen, panzerdoom28, Roadhustler63, russainguy, chausitinh, Beware, Strikestorm, extrajob, Thorgeld, albtand93, Pave_Low, marxbjl, xanthome, Gbonk, Jesse_the_Scout, arbiter1, MIHCK, michael_stamand, sergeant_major_thad, panther77, BlazeGunny, easyred6, willinator911, Gyro9190, honorme7, JayR, Erpatre, acethical, cuapsos, warmturret, ReeserX, Cygnus_X1, KOS762, azren, frostbyts, styrfoem, wastingu, TaMEREenShort1234, Kestrel_, Blaze1210, RuNuts, DocSnickers, DHanson865, Abeticdi, EzYsKepezYs

Final Results for IV Alecto

I place — marciotpb with 1,574XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 1,000

II place — From_Russia_with_Vodka with 1,556 XP — Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  1,000

III place — SaVaGee with 1,536 XP — Reward: One month Premium Account + 1,000

 These players earned at least 1,108XP and will be rewarded with 1,000
abilitiboby, gh_defiant, dbogart, mkooi, nocros, Col__Mustard, juanfava, GuiJay, pwong2k, Jugglys, taoohis, crovaxthecursed, popsickle, _anto, Scout1, slackware1995, MHE_XPEHOBO, walterkanov, rocky3c, BabSeed, Thorgeld, PioMiszczyviel, bludsaber, KingKong0o0, sagebr, pspencerVA, chrsghoyt, Gohibniu, warmturret, nemos1954, Redexx, kp1024, hawthorn81, 00Mutt, IrishNole, skywalk7, DrBob18, Hechtor, _daguy, Bogwopit, rompsie, Hammerhead_, Anthronole, nastukafszy, AlleviatedRisk, sirtech1, T34_76, INKRO, Chaku, xShadowTechx, toshiaki_virgin, FTails_TW, tonyto, Adwywyth, IamSeppuku, waichi, StumpBeefbroth, panzerwagoneer, Niv13, Dnsh, 5eyes, MTGun, Vuldaran, Dragon_of, terabite, DragonDraro, dojochuck, stary, Firenza, EricIvan95, Goatox, cheng2510325, zlozik, AIRBORNERULES, Pink_Panzer86, Bones, BenG, testfire2008, simpleworker8, chausitinh, Absolutrock, Kovears, BlackCompany, jncjr232, MrsmilieyfaceC8, God4Master, Baldur_Z, PoppaJohn, Kowal1910, ItsGonRain, atomyk, Marumatu, thornebula, Captainzot, TedStevens, RHunter, ChiHaTANK, BlackKestrel

Final Results for II Pz. Kpfw. I

I place — ionviol2 with 1,504 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 1,000

II place — arrrgh with 1,290 XP — Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  1,000

III place — Striker_002 with 1, 237 XP — Reward: One month Premium Account + 1,000

 These players earned at least 904 XP and will be rewarded with 1,000
ToeTag23, Bakabaka84, Jesse_the_Scout, WickedWitchotW, SaVaGee, Submarine, ol_Cajun, Scout1, Sabrage, Singleshot, wingate, DoubleZero_00, Takumi_Fujiwara, dizzy_earth, SchwarzeWolfe, SIDaniel, Erpatre, jar230, Gonzee, heartofsteel, __Wiking__, Edsgarth, Kusunoki, MustapuskaRutsalinen, NishizumiMiho, tanky_the_tank, R0N1N, Captain_Choi, Lugia345, ace85, Hauptstrum, Cobra5, cheng2510325, Kapitan_Drago, Theophanes, ItsGonRain, Fluffy_Kittens, SpYdR12, Riggimortis, 2zero, _Bergs_, lemu0, fluffy3023, Mozam, Cogent, Faltalis, BanjoMagic, kufo, Slinky510, GrosseDeutschland, Sloth_Slayer, darblood1, TankerHank, acethical, LargeFries, michaelau999, dopper, Jun00006, gaius05, Vuduvince, Skywalker_T65, caldana, polka, WarTstar, crovaxthecursed, guidebot101, Shtirlitz, whariwharangi, adam4321, buddyboy18, ganders7, Gunsmoke319, McJonathan, Kidwell, BaronIsh, John8434, LittleBlackRainCloud, gershin1, KPEMEHb, ROID_, KapisaPanzerKrieg2010, Thorgeld, Spazzz011, 7zero, Kamikaze_kok, Hawkins8, RSH427R, Habtor11, Murky1972, awk, WelshRobot, zarock27, xWonderx, Conservative_guy, Pooch, Shiftec, patricxd

Final Results for III Pz. Kpfw. I Ausf. C

I place — Peter111412r with 1,445 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 1,000

II place — Jik with 1,433 XP — Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  1,000

III place — tonnytoicc with 1,428 XP — Reward: One month Premium Account + 1,000

  These players earned at least 1,196 XP and will be rewarded with 1,000
Scout1, Devaspine, A_Bag_of_Kittens, arrrgh, zacjg121, Bauhauskiller1, EvilRob, Nebekenezer, vvvppp, DerminatingAPFDSR, ApplesauceBandit, jake616, Stufi, canofweed, JohnieJoe, SaVaGee, WikiEpic, Lunamrath, hitfan, Maltalic, Killashrub, EsiX, Wiseman400, Ebiten, Elias777Miller, pipko_divljak, TheHolyRoller, Cruiser007, Hellsau, sdkfz181ausfB, OurSorrow, Corpsey, Mad_Bullerman, ANTICAMPER, jordan122002, DaveHat, Treeky, Nukem501, SgtShidner59, abdoj, Lugia345, Brettster, Hellgrunt, Dnsh, Hyttech, lilsissy, Scourge, Gwandi, CybranLoyalist, StormDagger, Jakaan, stg_briones, napada, chain_chomp, solracotos, halftrack_jack, Striker_002, Bradok, Whirlwind1995, originaldo, Ferrousoxide, MetalChurch, Diazenis, Ric_M, DoubleADog, kajfasz9, TankCrusherX, aaaavvvvcccc, Pudding_P0P, sztimo, Dregbag, Bad_Karma_, r3d1ck, TheRonmasteh, cm12, Erich2142, C_Menz, BestConqueror, aDashOfRainbow, traxxas123456, apollokenney, Rhaplanca, bootpolish, Rex_Nex, fugaku_, valera9797, donkeyhotay, Kuzuha, Tankbeard, Valdez, Remlej, TankSealJacuzzi, Quadrenaro, AgentXX, eggs0ntoast, The_Assassin711, VietCampo, douglas007

Final Results for III Pz. Kpfw. II Ausf. G

I place — Elias777Miller with 1,276 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 1,000

II place —  crovaxthecursed with 1,242 XP — Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  1,000

III place —  Scout1 with 1,231 XP— Reward: One month Premium Account + 1,000

   These players earned at least 980 XP and will be rewarded with 1,000
michaelau999, 7zero, easy8tanker, Flamethrower42, ManitobaWarrior, imoody12, Edsgarth, Clemen, jar230, EmperorDavid, ranuza, deathbymilk, Airvlcn, b_s_m, TAHKU, willinator911, TAZ3791, fablkak, Choppermech, Pvt_Chubbs, Mozam, Catabolism, SgtShidner59, arrrgh, polka, musashi666, HeavysSandvich, Takumi_Fujiwara, LannyT2, SaVaGee, cm12, stangrider07, Jesse_the_Scout, royalspartansz, AcesHighMDP, Cinphul, Armor, boyuengzhang, Marumatu, Draconis13, SpineDragon, Kerfuffle, DamoklesX, dopper, kodan19, yansmel, ggusev, guidebot101, Wiseman400, JackAttack22, Night_Owl, Mankoi, Specul, Tankrisch, kiwinugget, maxxdrago, White_Shadow, Lugia345, TimWittH, Shmee, lehr122, Kamikaze_kok, moss, Sarzan, unsgt, DESTcmndr, msec, Mamas_Calvin, aWeasel, WAWps3, Redwing6, Mr_Irritation, zaku2z, KiwiMark67, Rokchewer, jackyau99, NanoStar, Valius_Forta, noiox8, Haggis_of_Doom, Flakker2, hammer91, Sweep19, kkroon, Angel_of_Darkness45, ascio, mezmorizedhd, SIDaniel, ponkon, More_Firepower, Eleven_Hotel, fiGhtiNg_iRiSh, wolfein, Fred2034, Odor, LTGBS, DrThrax123

Final Results for V AT 2

I place —  Mauadib with 1,655 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 2,500

II place —  NerdRage00 with 1,565 XP — Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  2,500

III place —  Kahunas 1,532 XP — Reward: One month Premium Account + 2,500

 These players earned at least 1,240 XP and will be rewarded with 2,500
Blazzy, garret28, thejoker91, LordScootaloo, Scout1, Armor, B_D, ultima7500, Panic1, icedtea1993, Shadowitz, arrrgh, Ltohio, Prav, Sapper_USMC, Erethrin, rogue_gamecube, Cosmic_Snorbeard, Hardest, Sithicus, SilverSpike, donsor, deathbymilk, Karel17, Shckizm, Gaydar_the_Amazing, TerryLovesShootingUrBird, nisery, KriegEinBlut, Qtip, perfectno1, armagedonpl, ToeTag23, Ripperman73, MrZero, AnubisPSK, sgtreno, rob_mathews, propuQc, Sidegrade, Siopilos_Thanatos, noahanator, Hokuten, Starwalker69, Ethelstan, Jack_Hellfire, Goon165, Nelson2011, Messorius, Pwntiff, ArtYFoddeR, Stabby, Sunnynmnk, Nemecroisepas, Fastlane16, Patriot243, Oscillatory_Universe, kenoman, Gohibniu, cenacax, Morakniv, toshiaki_virgin, Steelclad, Mezran, Blackgaver, Demian_Von_Alex, TheGreenTank, skyrider6207, Niv13, TransparentTape, Hiro_Apropos, KYA, jquan, BishopDeath, lilmack, Sgt_Stealth, Felyx, HoFox, CdnBas, Kasmir, SuPer_GGulGGUlZzangMan, RetiredCW4, lobsterback, vampire50, VMBI, deadroth, Grune, CoreHunter, MacMissile, PYRORAT, Gorrek, cidsavage, Razapheal, Dmoon, wigglepuppy, MaxL_1023, happycube, hitowdragon, Jugglys

Final Results for VI AT 8

I place —  TerryLovesShootingUrBird with 1,751 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 2,500

II place —  rocketbrainsurgeon with 1,726 XP —Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  2,500

III place —  DarkAvengeBr with 1,652 XP —Reward: One month Premium Account + 2,500

 These players earned at least 1,360 XP and will be rewarded with 2,500
THE_RED_MENACE, Pubah_Sage_of_The_Squad, Jejunum17, Scourge, Super_annex, TheDifference, Vuldaran, Eggman, patreal2000, Crunkfunk1, kimagure, Madboyz, Pave_Low, Steelleg, RegHanna, toshiaki_virgin, Scout1, Boomer_Ex, Graash, Notneb, RuNuts, myrcury, Ironfits, Hammerhead_, adventurethis, BRDmarrecu, SilentDemise, bronze_turtle, Svejk_T, el_gallo, FilthMcNasty, LordDillord, flyed999, Akiyama, Ivec, BaronIsh, ing3nium, ToeTag23, zhouxiao402, Belkor, BLUE_TIGER, AFRICANINDARKNESS, DrillSgtMoney, blitz552, ORP_Dragon, aWeasel, PvtTwinkletoes, Kolchistador, Hammerfist, AwsGM, Meat_Puppet, aniceto, Riujin, zdude1858, SaVaGee, azrael90, Vikec, dmcgill1, popkye, AngryDan3, disturbedmetal, _Wolf_Krieger_, wade_gaskins, hohoho, Fallout1944, ZeroCool_489, Sir_Ahaxz, JCsilk, MECH_WARRIOR, Riceygringo, PPK123, DrStrangeWolf, Hans_Zulu, DeathDealerOne, 66andzz, Kevlar1972, legrosdarios, Tite_Patate, Sniper0921, Nhordski, tiberiansun098, BishopDeath, wooob, HarmonicGod, MrYellow, SRileys29, SprinBrother, Goon165, ValueStar, 603, redsock47, Blackadder70_2, Hellsau, fatefhao, Nitroking100, Prav, marrowii, Mindslaver

Final Results for VI Churchill Gun Carrier

I place —  Mozam with 1,351 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 2,500

II place —  kn0617 with 1,336 XP — Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  2,500

III place — Grizwold with 1,296 XP — Reward: One month Premium Account + 2,500

 These players earned at least 971 XP and will be rewarded with 2,500
PX4, pingdaddy, GeneralHeinz, thornyblade1987, Persian_Army, IlScoRpioNlI, fablkak, FeralFeline, Penchii, Xyrom, OrangeDragon12, onlyone28, Karkajou, ktabari, Ecarus, MikaAhonen, Rocketjockey, Alphaomega92, Joel47, Marumatu, spike8760, Traten, Tho323, SILVERNA, fiddler54, Too_Buku, HelixFC3S, GavinCapacitor, Medicman11, MWtk, tanky_the_tank, mustfa, SkttLes, KilrCoot, tigerman9854, Gen_Disarray, picofaradpjf, tommy830219, _Patch_, 193_FEVER, RHA44, ob_chris, Geyser, TopSpeed, kiljoy33, Scho_ka_kola, Engage, SamLincoln45, reink, FlashThunder, Chaku, RocketDannyBoy, KPEMEHb, Tigerwarlord, ThomasFranz67, PublicEn3my, CaptnSash, Singletrack_Mind, Losdelrio, damianlee, CmdrWootles, BaronIsh, POWMIA81, Smurphy1, tinchu, RedFox101st, Mr_Postman01, TauciusLT9, badlou, D_stroyed, arrrgh, konigmonster, SaVaGee, norwoody, Lojanic, RollinThunter, icarus39, chesterbecker50, Buryyou, Neroarmas, Shiir, ootpek, PhotoFinish, Rager1st, logaholic, feep, Demonthral, Buwaro, Saving_princess, Imago_Mortis, TheFallenSun, amirgame00, Craftee, kaosknight, Frakes70, Hoshi_sama, devilsoup

Final Results for VII AT 7

I place —  ggusev with 1,769 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 2,500

II place — patchate with 1,752 XP — Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  2,500

III place —  bludsaber with 1,743 XP —Reward: One month Premium Account + 2,500

 These players earned at least 1,445 XP and will be rewarded with 2,500
CLutch_MacGroin, Monkey11, MrZero, DocGolem, Zeven, Porphyrys, hohoho, Akadim123, iEatChickenBlood, Hardest, Manachanter, BigDwarren, debug0317, Henrik2, thornyblade1987, noiox8, Fuzzy_Bunny_Feet, nephran, Harris910803, motrhead77, FAILZORD, A_High_Hamster, Widow_Maker_, kingbright, Intolerance83, ing3nium, HoHoHaHee, Goon165, hellacool, Onaye, Fluiturflam, Ehrgeiz, RocketQueen, Vanz, CombaEX, cobaltblu, Moxwilder, hydal, MeetYourMaker77, imoody12, Gundwulf87, dotHackerX, shocktank, Neckshot, NetQuaker, thejoker91, DarkRegion, Straith, devilman197, ducboy, downandout, arrrgh, BaronIsh, Prav, Rafather, JD0G, Fruitcake4me, ArrowPaul, icubye, Stagger, furgen, mustfa, Gottfried_von_Brunn3n, Krunk, manInUpstNy, Dariomb, Scout1, flakegun, SaVaGee, furrymongo, Enaris, onlyone28, RestlessYeti, Tank_Trajen, badindian1, Mrbusta, Bugle, Xantek, sirmatcauthon, chromedome31, Pen3, NSFUBAR, PPK123, supertank3r, Daewar, Armor, MrBASSs, GeneralHeinz, riggerss, kkiue, jwasted, Tea_of_Doom, Merric, dynamodaz, coylter, paper_stacks, DoodleMcFarland, ironroad

Final Results for VIII AT 15

I place —  mimasa with 1,889 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 2,500

II place —  imoody12 with 1,784 XP— Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  2,500

III place —  Alexander007 with 1,764 XP — Reward: One month Premium Account + 2,500

 These players earned at least 1,401 XP and will be rewarded with  2,500
arrrgh, Katukov, syasyaya, Plohish, singularityz, popai, royleeiv, Karel17, thandiflight, Bloodhound76, LordLovat, rogue_gamecube, Larkas, DocGolem, RocketQueen, onlyone28, hydal, Slugz, Bugle, vipercobra69, SethStriker, zrbabs, LeeMongChuPao, SovietPariah, LangstonTroy, ggusev, Legomasr, Ogopogo, Devilsbrigade, Mrbusta, Maddgar, hellacool, ZEROSTATE, hohoho, Kublah, Monkey11, FCsoldier, Staticrocks, peadenwolf75, PC70, Devilhunter50, Praetor77, Hellsau, Scrublet, BornToKiIl, zire, Raukk, Straith, Vanz, Rytanis, Zakaladas, bardsjr, zdude1858, Blazzy, Brandx51, Rocketjockey, BIack_Kite, jpkruger, BaronIsh, NetQuaker, OOnoUdidnt, dynamodaz, Scout1, KilgorSoS, BigWiser, lon_peregrino, H57, Amaratan, Viadimu, Elias777Miller, RadBlue, Rafather, GunnerX, Prav, tanky_the_tank, Tank_Trajen, lobos_tomy, Skeletpiece, BoucleDor, Lowkey1226, Hardest, RSH427R, Luckman, tiaogaviao, TenderBabyMeat, steadyone, tucker1179, Amooram, Super_annex, ToMmYGuUN, R0N1N, HPOW1ANNIHILATOR, OhSlowpoke, Erwin1222, Maukka, mtnman, Darkknight79, ktabari, MaxL_1023

Final Results for IX A39 Tortoise

I place — JunkersHiryu with 1,656 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 5,000

II place — hydal with 1,641 XP — Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  5,000

III place — Amaratan with 1,632 XP — Reward: One month Premium Account + 5,000

 These players earned at least 1,336 XP and will be rewarded with  5,000
ck7, MaxL_1023, Chibifawkz, Praetor77, Highereleventh, BobP, Tigermud, ChuckHardbrick, Corebane, Katukov, Plohish, Canaduck, Clockmaster_Xenos, yume, The_Warden, wowsdrawkcab, kkiue, HarDar2001, Lockeout, ESAWARFARE, i_legend, Yokubou, GeneralHeinz, jace4655, POWMIA81, Scrublet, Fastrax, zire, BornToKiIl, Merric, Chaku, lukeBr, IlScoRpioNlI, BaronIsh, BoucleDor, LelouchVBY, NLL, xThor, mase06, RollinThunter, FCsoldier, Kashone, Astray, Akadim123, coylter, DestructionDarby, ieatcookies, Scout1, TwistedFate1, Pontifex, KilgorSoS, iagos, przemas, KingKong0o0, DasButts, Monkey11, Slaughterbob, GVJLIMA, ZEROSTATE, Schizy_Reborn, singularityz, Alexander007, Hardest, ing3nium, mimasa, Blueswoods, PX4, DrUnK_PaNdA, MetalChurch, Stump, Bugle, HoHoHaHee, AllPainful, Akiyama, Defek80r, Karel17, BIack_Kite, ArtemisBlue, Flakker2, Thee_G, Zakaladas, Rocketjockey, LoganvonWolf, Ogopogo, Super_annex, ggusev, muzina, lon_peregrino, ACT, Goo_Shooter, okarori, Extream, CDN_Carl, RegiRage, whyme69, wanderer923, ooOooOoo

Final Results for X FV215b (183)

I place — ZEROSTATE with 1,355 XP — Reward: VIII Type 59 (+ Garage Slot) + 5,000

II place tomekmm with 1,308 XP — Reward: VII Type 62 (+ Garage Slot) +  5,000

III place — Mittensocks with 1,249 XP — Reward: One month Premium Account + 5,000

 These players earned at least 1,053 XP and will be rewarded with 5,000
rogue_gamecube, Katukov, Squirrelin, Forged, Der_Weisse_Tiger, Rapidlipz, boucanir, Allusive, GVJLIMA, Yenny, POWMIA81, Brooklyn_Express, kingdeskguy, Tankz, Jamesbloke, Super_annex, Schizy_Reborn, I_Love_Haters, D_A_R_K_S_T_A_R, srgt_hartman, Flakker2, Dualy, Scrublet, DrUnK_PaNdA, CaptainCatoSicarius, Z1NonlyButcher, IGJoe, Airnews39, tiaogaviao, MINIE, ElSee, NLL, Mourneblade, TheYellowHammer, JustOneClip, FCsoldier, m5m5123, BornToKiIl, UKilledKennyUBastard, BaronIsh, kmidas16, Khalvarik, knutz, DMan, Himmelweinen, AllPainful, marshalmartin, Niff441, uhlan1914, 41stElite, Imperial_Army, _Chukar_, OuttaSot, waldinho22, Zooty, NicoV1, ti3403, LelouchVBY, Yokubou, thyBane, Grey_, Tytoo, HPOWJOKER, mase06, Peteruko, tdsrb8lr, Joemoney, olivedrab, Callous, Hoefish, coylter, THE_RIGHT_HAND_OF_JESUS, patreal2000, Comps, Zeven, Kingmanthe1, Dristal1, iagos, Subdawg, MesoTroniK, james442, Harris910803, Ting, robrip, ca1123, luyuyjx, steelpanther45, Extream, NucleicAcid, 2RCHA, OdiwanKenodie, Heart_AttacKk, ZeSlayer, Canaduck, Marumatu, C_Menz, mauriciokr, HAR09, itzthereality
Please allow up to five business days for your rewards to be credited to your accounts.
0 comments09.04.2013 04:00:02
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