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League of Legends news » Tango Evelynn's Dance Partner Discount

¡Bienvenidos, mis amores! Soy Tango Evelynn, and I’m looking for a partner with whom I can share la pasión de la danza. Twisted Fate landed with a twisted ankle after our last rehearsal session got a bit spiky—and I’m not referring to my scarlet stilettos. Now I desire a fiery partner who can match his grace, athleticism and raw power so we’ll dominate the dance floor con los pasos y caminetas.

  • Fizz’s flippers are less than nimble, and I slide right off his scales en el abrazo. His aquatics may quench el fuego del tango, but you can take him for a spin at 487 RP.
  • Xerath doesn’t even have a physical body for me to embrace, but with his energetic presence and my smooth shadow walk, there’s no denying our chemistry during el giro is simply electrifying! Feel his spark for 487 RP.
  • To say Malphite is lead-footed is generous: he can barely keep up with me on the battlefield, let alone on the dance floor. Still, he’s a rock-solid partner when my whipping boleo gets out of hand. Lean on him for 292 RP.

  • Caterpillar Kog’Maw’s technique hasn’t evolved beyond bouncing and flailing, but I sense his potential. He should audition again once he’s a beautiful butterfly. Teach him some steps for 260 RP.
  • When I wanted a graceful partner, I never envisioned one who could actually float! Dancing with Djinn Malzahar turns even el paso basico into a magic carpet ride. Get swept away for 487 RP.
  • I specifically stated male dancers only, but High Command Katarina clearly can take the lead. With her flashing blades and fervor to match, she’s perfecto for a sultry tango nuevo. Turn heads for 487 RP.

Remember, auditions are only on from September 28 to October 1. I won’t throw my rose to just anybody, so pick a partner and save that last dance now!

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